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Taking care of the gas tank and a correct gas line installation is part of the security measures so that there is no problem with LP gas in our home. In addition to the gas valves, the tank must also be in perfect condition. Today, we share some tips to carry a proper gas line installation of gas tanks. You can contact us for HVAC Installation.

Portable Gas tanks:

  • Using soapy water, make sure there are no leaks in the gas line installation: copper pipes, pictel, hose, regulator, connections, etc.
  • Put Teflon tape on the connections to prevent leaks.
  • It is important to replace the bent or badly bent copper pipes and/or about to break like pictel and others and the beaten regulator.
  • Plastic hoses should not be used for any reason! Better to place gas hoses and/or copper pipes.
  • Cylinders should be placed on a firm base and 3 meters away from accessories; stoves, burners, boiler (heater), etc.
  • Portable cylinders should be placed in open and ventilated places (never in confined places).
  • Avoid placing combustible material on or next to them: plastic balls, rags, boxes, etc.

Do not trust those distributors who deliver cylinders with the following security conditions:

  • Corroded from any part of the body or with dents, as well as blows to the cylinder
  • Repaired with non-factory welding, spells, etc
  • With a deformed or corroded base without a head to protect the valve
  • With the handle broken (to close/open the valve) or without it

Before leaving home, check that the faucets to the stove, water heater (boiler), and heater are closed. If there are pilots and they are on, close the cylinder valves or stop valves.

Stationary tanks:

  • For safety, the main valves should be changed between 2 to 5 years maximum; filling, venting, relief, etc.
  • Give continuous maintenance to the tank: painting.
  • Try to protect the tank from the elements: sun, rain, etc.
  • When they supply you with gas, remember to check that it exceeds 85% of its capacity.
  • The service life of stationary tanks with continuous maintenance is 20 years.
  • Tanks should be placed at all times in high places (roofs) and ventilated (not confined). Never leave them at ground level and away from power lines.
  • Place the supply pipes in visible places and identify them with the normative color (yellow).

In addition to these measures, remember to check and take care that there is no gas leak. We recommend professional gas line installation as well as HVAC Installation.

Tips for each of the applications that use natural gas in your home

  • Natural gas is a safer service
  • Keep gas appliances in good condition and sufficient ventilation in the area where they are located to guarantee their correct operation.
  • Do not allow minors to operate or play with gas appliances and their valves.
  • Check frequently and before going to bed that all gas appliances are turned off, and that shut-off valves are closed to prevent natural gas leaks.
  • If you detect the smell of natural gas, close the valves on the metering center and gas appliances.
  • Do not operate electrical appliances or switches; open the windows and doors giving enough ventilation to the place, and communicate with us.
  • In case of remodeling your home, check the gas line installation to avoid gas leaks or possible accidents.
  • When removing any gas appliance for future connections or any other reason, check that the gas outlet points are properly plugged and remain visible.
  • Do not put substances, fuels (papers, fabrics, paints, alcohol, etc.) near gas appliances or measurement centers.
  • Never use the oven or stove to heat the house. There are natural gas space heaters and fireplaces on the market, easy to install and very safe.

We want gas to be a safe energy source in your home.

Now keep your home safe, and take all the necessary precautions so that your gas tank works properly and you can enjoy LP gas as your family requires.


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