1. Business

Tips for Growing Your Business 

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In all seriousness, there's a reason our company's name is Flourish. We don't like plants since we can't keep them alive. It's because the word implies “to achieve success, prosper,” “to be in a state of activity or production,” “to reach a pinnacle of development or influence,” and “to make bold and sweeping gestures.”  



Isn't this where you'd like your tradies business coaching to be? Here are a few pointers to help you get there. And, if you need assistance along the road, please let us know.  


  1. Develop a sales funnel and nurture current and new customers



The quantity vs. quality of customer leads may change depending on your industry. A healthy pipeline of potential clients is always essential for ensuring your organization is built for long-term success. If you're first starting a business, this can be extremely difficult because you're barely keeping your head above water just managing the day-to-day, but you must find time to embrace what could be your next potential client. 


Consider a CRM if you haven't already. 


Many businesses use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software to manage ‘lists' of contacts, including appointment scheduling, online and offline activity, email automation, note taking, call logs, reporting capabilities, and much more. CRM software greatly aids in the automation of customer relationship management (how do you remember to follow up with 162 people on the same day? ), allows for less data entry on your end (certain CRMs allow you to automate mundane tasks like tracking leads from an online sign up sheet or sending welcome emails), and also allows you to focus on higher quality leads based on their frequency of activity, rather than spending time on those lagging leads. 


Why are we so fixated on consumer segmentation? Because it enables you to provide the relevant information to your customers at the right time to help them make a decision. Because the same message does not work for everyone, why not use CRM analytics to help personalize your interaction?   


Furthermore, if you have a team of people managing your sales pipeline, a CRM is ideal for team collaboration and information sharing – all in one place. 



Learn to Participate 


If you don't want to use CRM software but want to start connecting with that laundry list of clients you have somewhere in an Excel file, why not use an email automation tool? Standard HTML emails can be tedious, so if you want to spice up your correspondence, schedule it ahead of time, or include coupons or product photographs, an automated solution is for you. Plus, you can frequently find one that is completely free! 


When it comes to communicating with your consumers and potential customers, it goes beyond the typical, ‘Hey! We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!' 



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