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Tips For Quick Knee Replacement Surgery Recovery

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Lily’s grandmother has always been very active for her age. However, as she approached her late 60s, Lily noticed that her grandmother was facing trouble climbing up the stairs and sitting on a chair. Worries, Lily searched for the best doctor for knee replacement and was pleasantly surprised when she saw recommendations from the best knee replacement surgeon in Hyderabad.

After her grandmother consulted with the orthopaedist, Lily had many questions related to knee replacement surgeries. Still, most importantly, she wanted to know how she could help her grandmother recover after her surgery. The doctor gracefully obliged Lily's inquisitiveness and provided her with tips on how she could help her grandmother and pre and post-surgery tips for her grandmother.

What is knee replacement surgery?

Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or injuries sustained after an accident or after strenuous exercise can result in knee pain that can hinder a person's ability to partake in regular activities. In such cases, knee replacement surgeries are performed to relieve the person of knee pain by replacing the joint with an artificial joint made from metal, polymers, and high-grade plastics. This surgery helps the normal functioning of the knee.

Knee replacement surgery carries risks like any other surgery. These include infection, nerve damage, blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks. To prevent such fatalities, the best knee replacement surgeons and physiotherapists have pre and post-surgery tips along with tips for caretakers.

Pre-surgery tips for patients from India’s best knee replacement surgeons

The following are some tips for the patient to prepare before getting into surgery-

  • You must notify your doctor about all medication that you are on. These include medications that are prescribed to you and also any over-the-counter vitamins and supplements that you consume.
  • You must notify your doctor about any history of having blood disorders or taking any medication that can affect blood clotting.
  • Arrange for a physiotherapist before getting your surgery. Your physiotherapist can assign you exercises before and after the surgery rehabilitation.
  • If you live on your own, you must arrange for someone to help take care of you after surgery. This is because, while you will not be on complete bed rest, you won’t be able to do strenuous household tasks such as cleaning and cooking.
  • You can plan and make necessary modifications to your home to minimize using stairs. Such as installing safety handrails in the shower and your toilet. You can also put the essential items in a convenient place to reduce walking and bending.

Post-surgery tips for patients from the best doctor for knee replacement

While two decades or more ago, doctors would prescribe complete bed rest. However, nowadays, doctors and physiotherapists believe that rehabilitation must begin as soon as possible. Once the surgery is finished successfully, and the patient has regained consciousness and is aware, depending upon the type of surgery, the doctor will prescribe the patient some exercises to reduce the risk of swelling, inflammation, and blood clots.

Keep in mind, although some of the post-surgery tips for recovering from knee replacement surgery include some kind of physical activity, the patient must not partake in any exercise without their doctor’s clearance.

Helpful post-surgery tips for patients from some of the best knee replacement hospital in India

  • If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you must contact your doctor- fever, swelling, increased pain, redness, and or bleeding.
  • Do not drive, use stairs, or partake in any physical activities until your doctor says so themselves.
  • Use a walker, walking stick, or cane to minimize the risk of falling.
  • Use chairs on which you can rest your feet and which have proper back support.
  • Don't strain yourself, and make sure to keep your knee straight if possible. You must also wear your knee brace as it helps balance and stabilize your knee after recovery.
  • You mustn’t strain your knee by partaking in physical activities.
  • Partake in only those exercises that your doctor approves. These may include cycling, walking, bending the knee, swimming, and other exercises.
  • You mustn’t eat junk food or unhealthy food until your doctor advises you to resume your normal diet.
  • The patient must balance rest with exercise. While resting, the patient must keep their leg elevated and apply ice to the incision to decrease pain.
  • You must also apply ice packs to the wound if you are experiencing swelling and or inflammation.
  • The patient can return to work after getting clearance from their doctor. When the patient can return to work depends upon the patient’s occupation and the type of surgery.
  • After the surgery, the patient and their helper must take precautions to prevent any infections. This includes changing bandages and cleaning the wound regularly.

Tips for the caretaker

People who get knee replacement surgeries require extra help and care after they are discharged from the hospital. They require help with cooking, cleaning, bathing, and other activities. That is why it is important to contact a family member or a friend who can assist the patient until the doctor says so. In cases where the patient doesn’t have anyone available to help them, hospitals appoint them a temporary helper.

In the following segment, we will discuss tips from the best doctors for knee pain for caretakers and helpers of patients.

  • Make sure that the patient doesn’t exert themselves and that they don’t climb any stairs.
  • Prepare the room where the patient will be staying with all of the necessities, such as extra pillows, easily accessible medication, ice packs, clean bedsheets, etc.
  • Remove cords and or carpeting that puts the patient at risk of falling.
  • As a caretaker, your most important duty is to make sure that patients take their medication on time.
  • Clean your hands before and after tending to the wound. Also, if there is any swelling, odor, inflammation, or drainage, you must inform the doctor.
  • If the patient is running a fever or has a reaction to the medication and is in constant pain, you must contact the doctor.
  • Prepare meals that are healthy and which follow the instructions of the doctors.
  • Finally, other than monitoring and assisting the patient’s recovery, you must also motivate them to get rehabilitated and exercise.

In conclusion, if you or your loved one is experiencing knee pain that hinders their day-to-day lives, then you must book an appointment with an orthopaedist immediately. Searching and booking appointments have never been easier. Search for the best doctor for knee replacement, best knee replacement surgeon, or best knee replacement hospital in India, and you can find hundreds of search results in a matter of seconds.

With all of the advancements in medical sciences, health care facilities, and physiotherapy, knee replacement surgeries have become affordable, and the rehabilitation period has reduced significantly. Plus, the artificial joint can last for 15 to 20 years if the person takes proper care.

Therefore, don't sit on your pain; contact your healthcare professional today and book your appointment.

Dr. Srinivas Kasha is a Sr. Best Orthopedic Doctor & joint replacement surgeon in Hyderabad with 15+ years of experience in joint replacement. He is the Best Orthopedic Specialist Doctor & He is an experienced Open Fracture Surgeon & also providing treatment in Nizamabad.
