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If you’re “traveling light” to somewhere beautiful and warm this winter, bringing along a bag full of beauty products doesn’t make much sense. At the same time, you want to have the skin care, makeup, and hair products you need. If you’re at the stage of considering what to take and what to leave home, think about the following ideas. You shouldn’t have to go without while on vacation!

Tip 1: Bring Your Most Versatile, Multitasking Products

One of the biggest takeaways is to opt for multipurpose products, such as tinted mineral sunscreen, because they offer a variety of skin care solutions. Double-duty mineral face sunscreens do everything from blur imperfections to moisturizing to protecting your skin with SPF. Plus, carrying one item with you instead of three or four separate products saves precious packing space.

Tip 2: Find Mini Versions of Luxury Products

In the growing landscape of travel-optimized beauty, you can often find mini versions of even your most luxurious products. From shine-boosting and frizz-taming hair serum to small but mighty bottles of shampoo and conditioner, look for travel-sized options of your favorite products. The same goes for makeup. Look for small makeup palettes that you can stick in a side pocket or multipurpose makeup sticks that can be used as lipstick, blush, and highlighter.

Tip 3: Go Into Your Vacation with Glowing Skin

The more you take care of your skin before hopping on a plane, the fewer makeup and other products you may need to correct issues once you’re at your destination. In the weeks leading up to your trip, make sure you’re getting enough sleep, drinking tons of water, eating well, and taking vitamins. Plan out the products you need to take and test out any new products well in advance of your trip. You can get that vacation glow going before you even hit the beach.

Tip 4: Wear Mineral Sunscreen Every Day

Tinted mineral sunscreen has already been mentioned as an excellent multitasking skincare and makeup solution. But if you don’t wear makeup, you should definitely bring (and wear) a high-quality mineral sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your face and neck from the sun’s harsh UV rays. A luxury mineral sunscreen can be just like your favorite face moisturizer but with the added benefit of SPF. Many nice mineral sunscreens are very blendable, moisturizing, and lightweight.

Tip 5: Indulge in De-Puffing Under-Eye Masks

These small under-eye masks hardly take up any room in your purse or luggage—and they are so worth it. Simply place a pair under your eyes and let the hydrating ingredients wake up your entire eye area. In just 10 minutes, puffiness, dark circles, and crow’s feet may appear less prominent. Flying dries out the skin, so eye masks are a travel essential. They’re also great for a pick-me-up before a party or event when you want to look bright-eyed.

If you have some ideas of what you can’t live without, be sure to make a list of what’s most important so you don’t forget anything and you aren’t scrambling at the last minute trying to decide. You may have to transfer some of your larger bottled products that you use at home into smaller containers.

About Living Beautifully

Living a beautiful life means something different to each person, but many of us share common interests: healthy lifestyles, clean beauty, and timeless fashion trends. At Living Beautifully we bring readers a wealth of valuable information, so they can make up their own minds on what it means to live beautifully. Take what you need and leave the rest. Living Beautifully aims to bring together curious, thoughtful human beings to live their best life.

Jet off to your next vacation with beauty products from goop at https://goop.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/49YXoea

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