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Tips for Working with Blanket Panel Fabric

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Working with blanket panel fabric can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a beginner, following some key tips can help ensure your project turns out beautifully. This article provides practical advice for working with blanket panel fabric.

Choosing the Right Tools

Having the right tools is essential for working with blanket panel fabric. Here are some must-haves:

  1. Rotary Cutter and Mat: These tools are ideal for making precise cuts. A rotary cutter allows you to cut through multiple layers of fabric smoothly, while a cutting mat protects your work surface.

  2. Pins and Clips: Use pins or fabric clips to hold the fabric in place while sewing. Clips are particularly useful for thicker fabrics like fleece or flannel.

  3. Sewing Machine: While you can sew blanket panels by hand, a sewing machine makes the process faster and more efficient. Ensure your machine is in good working condition and use the appropriate needle and thread for the fabric type.

  4. Iron and Ironing Board: An iron is essential for pressing seams and removing wrinkles. Use a pressing cloth to protect the fabric from direct heat.

Preparing the Fabric

Proper preparation of the fabric is crucial for a successful project:

  1. Pre-Wash: Always pre-wash your blanket panel fabric to remove any sizing or chemicals and to prevent shrinkage. Follow the care instructions on the fabric label.

  2. Pressing: Iron the fabric to remove any wrinkles and ensure smooth cutting and sewing. Use a pressing cloth to avoid direct heat on the fabric.

  3. Cutting: Use a rotary cutter and mat for precise cuts. Measure carefully and use a ruler or straight edge to guide your cuts.

Sewing Techniques

  1. Hemming: Hemming the edges of the blanket panel is an essential step. Fold the edges over twice to create a clean, finished look. Use pins or clips to hold the hem in place and sew with a straight stitch.

  2. Adding a Backing: For added warmth and durability, consider adding a backing to your blanket panel. Choose a coordinating fabric and sew it to the panel, leaving an opening to turn the blanket right side out. Close the opening with a hand stitch or machine stitch.

  3. Quilting: If you want to add extra texture and dimension, consider quilting the blanket panel. Use a simple stitch pattern or follow the design of the panel for a more intricate look.

Creative Customizations

  1. Borders: Add borders to your blanket panel for a more finished look. Choose coordinating fabrics and sew them around the edges of the panel.

  2. Appliques: Personalize your blanket with appliques. Cut shapes or letters from fabric and sew them onto the panel.

  3. Embroidery: Add embroidery to enhance the design. This can be done by hand or with an embroidery machine.

Caring for Finished Projects

To ensure the longevity of your finished projects, proper care is essential:

  1. Washing: Follow the care instructions on the fabric label. Most blanket panels can be machine washed on a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent.

  2. Drying: Air drying is recommended to prevent shrinkage. If using a dryer, select a low heat setting and remove the blanket promptly to avoid wrinkles.

  3. Storage: Store your blankets in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading. Use breathable storage bags to protect against dust and pests.


Working with blanket panel fabric can be a fun and rewarding experience. By choosing the right tools, preparing the fabric properly, and using effective sewing techniques, you can create beautiful and personalized projects. Whether you’re making a blanket, wall hanging, or other items, these tips will help ensure your project turns out beautifully and lasts for years to come.


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