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If you are looking for Miniature Puppies for sale South Africa and are willing to provide the long term care and commitment that they would require then read on as you would naturally be confused about how to go about it. Moreover it is very essential to inculcate the right behavior as well as sense of responsible dog ownership from the beginning itself so that you and the puppy you bring home embark on a relationship that is filled with great love and joy.

The act of bringing home a puppy is a time of great excitement, challenge and responsibility for the entire family. With proper research, meticulous planning and commitment, however, along with a proper assessment of your situation as it exists today, this can result in a wonderful association and times of joy for the entire family. This effort will determine


The kind of puppy you bring home and the source from where you get him or her.

The continued good health of the puppy and the way social skills are managed.

The type of bonding that you are able to establish with your puppy.

To start with you need to step back and ascertain whether you as well as your family are ready mentally and physically to welcome a new household member. This is important as there have been cases where the initial euphoria has quickly evaporated and people have regretted their decision due to the many tasks and responsibilities this involves.

Having confirmed that, you need to now look at the breed that you want and think is right for you. This means matching a particular breed to your personality and that of the household to some extent. If you can get this one right, then the rest of the journey would be a very smooth sailing one. It is worthwhile to remember that there are various breeds and each have their own definite characteristics. You must therefore be able to understand them and finally select the one which would be good for the dog as well as for the family.

Now you need to identify as to where you would find your required Miniature Puppies for sale South Africa. There are many ranging from the pet stores, to puppy mills, using the internet, print medium, a breeder near your neighborhood and so on. Irrespective of the source, there are a few things you must consider before making the purchase as under:


  1. a) Are the eyes of the puppy clear and shiny without any discharge?
  2. b) The ears must be clean without any infection and must smell clean.
  3. c) The puppy should not be sneezing or sniffling continuously.
  4. d) The coat must be shiny without patches, bumps or flakes. It should smell nice. Do watch out for the presence of any ticks or fleas.
  5. e) The rear end of the puppy has to be clean of any fecal matter.


  1. f) Though the ribs of the puppy should be easy to feel, they should not be poking out and the abdomen should not be swollen.


  1. g) The kennel as well as bedding area must be tidy and free of any signs of vomit.
  2. h) The general behavior of the puppy should reflect enthusiasm and not lethargy.