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A clean office is a key to the health and good mood of office workers. The main thing is not to miss the moment and not to launch expensive partitions, turning them into a nest of bacteria and other microorganisms.

Today, almost every office space has office partitions. And since this is one of the elements of the office, then it also requires maintenance and cleaning, and then questions arise: “How to do it correctly?”

How to clean glass office walls? 

Cooperating with the right company, there should not be any special contamination during the installation of the glass office walls. Although dust accumulates at the joints and corners of the profiles over time. There is a lot of dust, especially if the office is at a high altitude and you periodically open a window for ventilation. Even a small crack.

To get rid of dust, it is enough to use gels, powders, and glass cleaners. The scratched profile is washed out worst of all because dirt gets into the scratch and it is extremely difficult to wash it.

How to clean door hardware 

Don’t forget to clean the door hardware. Sometimes glass partitions are installed in offices, creating meeting rooms. Naturally, they somehow need to be entered and therefore there is a glass door. So don't be surprised by this subheading.

There are no special secrets. It is best to wash the glass with cool water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia; metal inserts are washed with a soap solution.

After this, wipe the doors with a soft cloth. It’s a good idea to buy separate microfiber napkins for glass.

How to clean glass partitions

There is a proven method of cleaning glass partitions. It consists of wet cleaning and wiping. It is advisable to use only warm water, otherwise, the glass may tarnish.

Glass partitions should be washed with the same solution as ordinary glass. Take a convenient spray bottle and spray the glass. All of the above tools are multifunctional, they will help clean the glass from fingertips and dust.

The wet cleaning interval is six to seven days. If there are not many people in the office, and if someone rarely touches the glass, you can limit yourself to cleaning once every two weeks. Here it is better to look at the situation, and not take the text of the article as the truth.

By the way, if you have a relief glass partition or with some additional decor, then it is better to wipe it twice as often. At first glance, it seems that there is less dust, but this is a visual deception. And when dried spots appear, you first need to soak them and only then clean the pollution. Otherwise, the glass will become dull and it will be impossible to return it to its previous state.

Service maintenance

Service maintenance includes maintenance of glass structures for a certain period, usually exceeding the warranty period. Service maintenance includes free replacement of worn-out spare parts, adjustment, and troubleshooting. In fact, all the actions required by the guarantee are carried out.

If you want to keep your glass partitions, to make them live for more than one year, then you can use professional services. Some companies offer maintenance of glass partitions, this service is inexpensive and can save a sufficient amount of money. It's always better when the part is changed under warranty, and not to run around looking for it yourself, and then overpay for the installation.