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As we all crystals lovers know that a crystal is a natural-formed mineral and rock and that they have a crystalline structure. Natural crystals and stones are also well known for their healing power, hence why a lot of people believe that crystals are Mother Nature’s gift to help an individual connect with the universe. Interesting right! It has been discovered that there are more than 3500 minerals on our planet, which have a crystalline structure. These natural crystals are usually identified mostly through their structure, color, and transparency. Crystals generally act as energetic sponges whereby they absorb and purify the trapped negative energy inside your body. Even though the good healing crystals have a tremendous ability just like everything and everyone they have a limit.

The process of cleansing your good healing stones is an important procedure to undertake regardless of whether you are a veteran or an upcoming healing crystal collector. You can carry out this process through the use of various ways, but this hugely depends on your personal preferences and the type of resources you have at your disposal. Crystal cleansing will help in dispersing any undesirable energy that is lingering within your good healing crystals thereby revitalizing their healing abilities.

In this article, we will be showing you the various ways you can use them so that you can cleanse your good healing crystals. The tips are as discussed below.

You can cleanse your good healing crystals through the use of light from a full moon:

Light emitted by a full moon is regarded as among the most potent natural and powerful sources of cleansing energy. So how can you cleanse your good healing crystals? You can carry out this process during a clear night. During the clean night that has a full moon, you are instructed to safely place your good healing crystals where they can bathe in the unfiltered moonlight. You can place the crystals either on your bedroom windowsill or even at a peaceful spot in your garden. When choosing a place to put your good healing crystals to recharge, you should ensure that the crystals do not get damaged by environmental hazards. For them to be cleansed properly you should leave the crystals overnight so that they can recharge and also recycle any extra surplus negative energy. Take note that you bring the crystals back inside first in the morning.

You can use water to cleanse your good healing crystals:

As we all know that water is the essence of life and also that it is one of the most precious resources available to us. Water usually helps in sustaining us, nurturing us, and also cleansing us. Water can also help in reviving the healing power of crystals.  You can cleanse your good healing crystals by using a natural body of water, why is this the case? This is because a natural body of water is free of chemical additives and they have a natural origin just like your good healing crystals. Water from rivers, streams, waterfalls, and oceans can be used for your good healing crystal cleansing process. One thing you should keep in mind is that you should ensure that your gemstones are secured in a permeable container that will be anchored to land before placing them in flowing water. If you do not do this you may risk losing all of your good healing crystals for good, which is what many of us do not want to experience. In the case where you find yourself living where you will not be near natural water, you can just normal water. For you to use normal water you have to purify it by either using any filter or even adding salt to the water. You should leave your good healing crystals fully submerged for at least 2-3 hours, after this you should remove them from the water and gently dry them with a fresh towel.

You can also cleanse your good healing crystals by smudging them using a sage stick. You can also use a candle if you do not have a sage stick. Cleansing your good healing crystals using a candle by fire is a faster way of cleansing your crystals.


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