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How to Boost Your Daily Vitamin Intake

There are many ways to keep healthy. You can exercise and pair your workouts with healthy and nutritious meals. However, there's a problem: most people know that eating healthy is as crucial as exercise, but they don't always get the required vitamins in every meal.

This article can provide tips on acquiring all the vitamins you need daily.

Tips to Improve Your Vitamins Intake for a Healthy Life

There are different ways to acquire the vitamins your body needs to stay healthy.

Improve your meal planning.

Before turning to vitamin-boosting alternatives, look at the food you eat. For starters, choose whole and unprocessed food to ensure that they retain their vitamin and mineral content.

Eat your grains with leafy vegetables and fruits to aid digestion and maintain gut health. Also, incorporate lean protein into your diet. Chicken, fish, and legumes are superior options to pork and beef.

Don't forget to hydrate and drink up to eight glasses of water daily. Water helps deliver your consumed nutrients and oxygen to other parts of your body.

When buying a pre-packed and processed item, read the labels. How many vitamins do they have? Are there harmful preservatives to avoid?

Learn proper food preparation.

Aside from proper meal planning, understand how your food preparation method can lessen or enhance the vitamin content of your dishes. For instance, vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that can leak out if overboiled and overcooked.

Two of the best ways to retain nutrients and minerals in your food are through steaming or stir-frying. These methods minimise water in cooking and reduce the dishes' exposure to high heat levels.

Another crucial piece of advice is to eat fruits and vegetables raw. Eliminating harsh cooking and preparation methods ensures you get 100% of their healthy nutrient content.

Take multivitamins supplements.

You can also rely on vitamin supplementation. Daily supplement intake can provide nutrients and vitamins a seemingly healthy meal may lack. You can also counter deficiencies by taking the specific minerals and vitamins you need in tablet or capsule form. You can always find these healthy products online.

Remember that as supplements, these tablets and pills can never replace real food. They can only effectively boost your daily vitamin intake and help prevent deficiencies due to poor diet.

Get adequate sun exposure.

Healthy sun exposure can activate your body's vitamin D, which helps absorb other vitamins, including calcium, to strengthen your bones and teeth.

You can enhance your body's Vitamin D consumption during winter months through supplementation and proper diet. Orange juice, salmon, tuna, and food items fortified with vitamin D are also effective alternatives.

Track your vitamin and mineral intake.

It's also crucial to track your daily food consumption. Taking note of what you eat and what food items provide higher vitamin levels can help you know if you're eating right and enough according to your health needs.

Keep a food diary or a meal journal and identify areas of improvement, food and meal combinations that work best, and other factors.

Hopefully, this advice can help you take your first step to a healthy lifestyle. Good luck, and eat well!


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