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Like almost everything in life, with mobile applications also, you get only one first chance to impress. As per statistics, about one-fifth of users stop using the app after the first interaction. So first interaction matters the most, and your customers' initial interaction with your mobile app can impact your brand.

A minimal bad experience for users with your app can be detrimental to your brand and business. If you are an Android developer starting out with Kotlin app development services, you want to ensure the overall customer journey remains engaging. To make that happen, you need a strong strategy. Here are some tips on building engaging apps across the customer journey.


Nowadays, customers want to experience the app as closely as possible before downloading it. They want to have adequate ideas about every basic feature of the app and also want to know how it will affect their day-to-day life. Nowadays, video marketing has been a proven methodology for driving conversion. 

Video has the potential to sway users to make downloads. The reason is that videos offer a complete view of your product. It explains the app, helping potential users to understand the application. And this increases the chance of downloading the product.

App stores that use autoplay functionality can quickly grab users' attention resulting in seamless engagement. In addition, video helps you highlight your app's main benefits and features in an accessible and informative manner. For this, you must invest in the right professionals to create an exceptional video for your mobile application.

This might be costly, but it is worth investing in quality production. Your preview video is meant to offer the foundational impression of your app. Your customers will have a better chance to understand your digital solution with this little marketing campaign to decide whether they want to install it or not.


In an ideal scenario, customers gain value from your app right after downloading it. But that might not always be the case. Sometimes it is not always that straightforward, especially when an app needs to collect personal data to offer users value.

Some apps, like insurance applications, require users to reveal their personal information to gain some value. And some users might be hesitant to do so for obvious reasons. In general, your app should allow your audience to use some functionality without registration. But if registration can't be circumvented, ensure that registering users into your app is intuitive and hassle-free.

Users should receive clear directions on what to do and how to complete the process. Don't overwhelm and frustrate the user by asking for all the information at once. Rather, divide the process into singular steps and classify the information according to different purposes, such as email and mobile number for contact and name, age, DOB etc., for personal information.

Keep the screens separated for every piece of information. Making the registration process as seamless as possible is key to boosting engagement and providing users with an excellent first impression.


Customer engagement often goes beyond brand interaction. Infusing a sense of community between users is also important. Not every app can facilitate user-to-user interaction, but if it is the focal point of your app, don't delay the process. Introduction messages and chat prompts are instant gratifications.

These features give users an affirmation that they have downloaded the right app. Health brands should prioritise this level of connection as patients with chronic diseases are likely to place a high value on active support. Moreover, consider building an online community outside your app, like creating forums and social fan pages.

Furthermore, get active on social media. This could be a great promotion platform. Share industry-relevant news, how-tos, tips, and other information. Sometimes social accounts of brands become the first touch points for your potential users. There is a really high chance of conversion through social media marketing.

Sometimes, mobile app companies also house digital marketing teams who help you establish your social presence and build a brand. This is a good factor to check when you hire web and app developers online. Though it is not necessary to choose only that firm which offers digital marketing services, having that onboard can be an added benefit.

Key Takeaways

A striking first impression is essential for businesses to establish good customer engagement. However, this is not always a straightforward process. A strong first impression of your app can have an immensely positive impact on your brand. Effective app development plays an important role in this. If you want to create a lasting impact on your first-time users, make sure you employ professionals. One of the best ways to hire web and mobile app developers is online. Look for hiring platforms and professional social media like LinkedIn to find a reliable and seasoned technology partner.