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IVF is a term commonly heard as a popular treatment for infertility. But do you know when IVF is performed or how Sunflower Hospital, the best fertility hospital in India, comes into the picture?

This blog is all about IVF, the reason for performing IVF, and what Sunflower Hospital offers. Continue reading!

What is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

The popularity of IVF justifies its efficiency and trust as being one of the most advanced technologies in assisted reproduction. It is a procedure involving multiple cycles, which includes the extraction of mature eggs from the ovary, which are then fertilized in a lab with the help of a sperm. Finally, the fertilized eggs are transferred to the uterus. But do you know when this procedure is undertaken?

Let’s find out.

When is IVF Performed?

This treatment of genetic problems or infertility is performed under various circumstances. Some of which are:

  • Endometriosis: It is a condition that affects the normal functioning of the uterus, ovary, or fallopian tube.
  • A Blocked or Damaged Fallopian Tube: It is a condition that hinders egg fertilization or its travel to the uterus.
  • Disturbed Ovulation: It is a condition that decreases the number of eggs available for fertilization.
  • Uterine Fibroids: It’s a condition generally common in women in their 30s and 40s, and is a non-cancerous tumor that can restrict the implantation of an already fertilized egg.
  • Tubal Ligation: It’s a procedure wherein fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, and IVF is the option to conceive.
  • Unexplained Infertility: This is a situation that does not justify any reason for infertility, even after some standard examinations.
  • Genetic Concern: This condition involves the risk of a child developing a genetic disorder during or after birth. In this, the egg fertilized through IVF is analyzed for such risks.

Well, these are some reasons why IVF plays an important role. The next question is, which medical facility can you trust with IVF? Well, the answer lies below.

Sunflower Hospital Offers the Below Services:

Sunflower Women’s Hospital is an Ahmedabad-based medical facility highly recognized for gynecology services and fertility treatment in India. Several factors, such as a team of experts, recognition as the best IVF center in India, and its benefits, contribute to the success rate of infertility treatment at Sunflower Hospital. Since this article focuses on IVF and infertility, let’s look at infertility treatments available at Sunflower Hospital.

  • Ovulation Induction
  • Super Evaluation
  • Assisted Conception (IUI, IVF, ICSI)
  • Assisted Hatching
  • Blastocyst Culture

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGS) or Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

This is just an overview of what Sunflower Hospital offers for infertility treatment. If you wish to know the detailed classification of these services, you can visit their website.

Why Should you Choose Sunflower Hospital?

Many medical facilities are providing gynecological, and IVF treatment in India but some of the reasons why you should choose and trust Sunflower Hospital is as follows.

  • High-end infrastructure equipped with advanced treatment technologies.
  • Team of experts specializing in all domains of infertility.
  • 24/7 availability of staff and experts for patient care.
  • Almost 175-200 IVF cycles are conducted every month.
  • In-house facility to undertake 3D and 4D sonography.
  • Special attention to labor patients includes obstetricians attending them, CTG monitoring, and all the comfort possible for pain-free delivery.
  • Expertise in treating high-risk pregnancies.
  • In-house NABL-authorized endopath laboratory and general pharmacy.
  • Treatment expense is pocket-friendly


IVF is hope for many couples globally, and to turn this hope into reality, you should choose the best facilities available. Therefore, Sunflower Hospital is the right choice.