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The Canadian credit report is like your resume before credit-granting institutions. It includes information about your compliance in paying for the best credit cards in Canada, both bank and non-bank that you have registered in your name. 

Credit Information Companies generate this Canadian credit report. In the document, you will be able to identify the institution, line of credit, current balance, the status of your payments, and the history of your payment behavior month by month.

tips to improve your Canadian credit report

The credit report measures whether finances are healthy: False. This only measures whether loan payments have been made on time. You may have a lot of debt, but it will be good if you continue paying the score. Thus, this document will show whether your credits are up to date with their payment or if they are – or were – in any delay, as well as the number of days of the delay, if applicable. The report also includes notes in case the credit has been related to fraud issues or if you enjoyed the benefit of any assistance program or an agreement with the bank or company that granted the credit (for example, a “removal” or “debt restructuring”).

When using the best credit cards in Canada, you must build and maintain a good Canadian credit report. Having one increases the probability that you will obtain a greater amount and better conditions in lines of credit. 

You can start with small steps like a credit card; there are products for university students – for example, if it is your first card, departmental cards, or even purchasing a mobile phone plan.

Understanding Canadian credit reports is important because banks review them to ensure the person applying for the loan can pay. This indicator is a score that measures how good and responsible a payer the person requesting the loan has been in meeting their commitments. It also measures what types of loans you have and how much the total debts are when requesting a loan. The better the score, the greater the probability of compliance with payments. That is, the bank will trust the applicant more to grant loans.

Keep the following recommendations in mind:

  • Check your Canadian credit report to ensure someone has not requested credit in your name (identity theft). If there is something you do not recognize, you can request clarification or correction (challenge your report).
  • Use at most 50% of the limit of the best credit cards in Canada and be punctual with your payments.
  • Do not request several credits at the same time.
  • Know your payment capacity and how much of your income you could allocate to paying new loans to pay for your debt level (generally 30% of your monthly income). This way, you avoid asking for more than you can pay.
  • If your payments are late for any reason, talk to the appropriate financial institution and negotiate your options to pay off your debt.
  • Remember that reaching an agreement to settle your debt is always better. While this will be reflected on your record, it is better than “doing nothing” and resulting in a negative mark on your record.
  • Get caught up on your payments one debt at a time, using a calendar that helps you reach your goal. Try to make payments on the debt that generates the most interest.
  • The only way to improve your Canadian credit report is to fulfill your commitments. Once you improve your history, you will have to maintain it so that institutions see your payment management to help yourself achieve your financial goals.

Learn about the credit card: 

This is often the first loan you have access to, and if you need help understanding it, you damage your credit history.

If the payment of debts becomes complicated, do not disappear: 

Talking to the bank to raise the situation and find a joint solution is possible. Banking institutions can offer alternative solutions, such as refinancing the debt or extending the loan repayment period so that the installments are smaller.

Follow the tips to improve your Canadian credit report and see the results!


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