1. Pets

Tips To Minimize Stressors For Your Cat During Christmas

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There are several things that can cause stress for cats during the Christmas season. One major factor is changes in routine, such as altered feeding times or disrupted play schedules. Additionally, unfamiliar people, decorations, and scents can all contribute to your cat's stress levels.

6 Ways to Help Your Cat Cope With Holiday Stress

To alleviate these stressful factors, creating a safe and calm environment for your cat is important. It can be achieved by maintaining a solid routine as much as possible, and providing a quiet space for her to recharge and relax if her surroundings become too overwhelming for her.


Introducing new people and decorations gradually can also help reduce your cat's stress levels. Try to avoid overwhelming her with too much stimulation, and allow her to explore new items at her own pace.


Finally, consider using calming aids such as pheromone diffusers or sprays. Using these items during the holiday season will help your cat feel less stressed and more at ease.


Your veterinarian Burlington, ON is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.
