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Osteoporosis is a silent condition in which bones become brittle and porous. People suffering from osteoporosis are at a greater risk of developing a fracture. Anyone irrespective of age can develop osteoporosis. However, the risk is higher in the elderly. Fractures in osteoporotic people could occur without any significant cause and they may be severe enough to require surgical intervention. 

Osteoporosis has no cure and the treatment provided aims at relieving associated symptoms. However, certain tips can help prevent osteoporosis and this is what we will be discussing in this post. 

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How to Prevent Osteoporosis?

Here are certain remedies that can help prevent osteoporosis:

Make Exercising a Routine

It is important for you to know that bones become stronger when you work out. While on the other hand, if you adopt a sedentary lifestyle, bones will become weak. This may also lead to osteoporosis in the long run. So, the first and foremost thing you need to do is to make exercising a routine. This will signal your body to make new bone cells. 

Now, when it comes to doing exercise, weight-bearing exercises, and strength training are very effective in preventing osteoporosis. They should be performed under the guidance of skilled professionals to avoid any complications. 

Take Enough Calcium and Vitamin D

Both calcium and vitamin D is important to build strong and healthy bones. Hence, they must be in optimum amounts in your diet. Calcium is not only required for building healthy bones but also for many other body processes. So, when your body does not have enough calcium, it will start extracting it from the bones. As a result, bones will become weak. In the long run, osteoporosis is on the cards. So, the best way here is to add calcium and vitamin D-rich food items to your diet. 

If we talk about vitamin D, is required for the proper absorption of dietary calcium. Hence, if vitamin D is not in optimum amounts, your calcium would not be utilized properly.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking causes rapid bone loss and chain smokers are at the highest risk of developing osteoporosis. Tobacco also results in restricted oxygen & nutrient supply to the bones thus, the bones start to deteriorate faster. As a result, osteoporosis starts to develop. Smokers may also experience a fracture without any significant cause. Thus, the most important thing you need to do to prevent osteoporosis is to quit smoking.

Consult with an Orthopedic Specialist Regularly

Regular monitoring of your bone health is very important in not only preventing osteoporosis but also diagnosing it early. So, it is important for you to visit an orthopedic specialist for regular monitoring of your bone health. DEXA scan is performed to check the bone density and assess whether it is optimum or on the downward side.

To know more about recent advancements in the field of orthopedics, register for the Conferences on Orthopedics 2023. The event will take place in London, UK, from 24-26 August 2023.

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