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Tips to use job search app in USA

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Did you know how many people use the job search app in USA? Around 80% of people find jobs through job search apps, as it is much easier to use them for job searching. You can use these apps on your tablets or smartphones. You can use these tips to look for jobs, apply for them, and contact hiring managers. Below are some tips for using a job search app in USA.



1.      Your resume should be short enough to fit on a smartphone screen.

Forget your traditional one-page CV. Mobile job apps require a more concise display of your skills and experience. When put together right, less can be more. Focus on your most marketable skills to get the hiring manager's attention. By forcing yourself to boil down your background, you will learn more about who you are as a professional and sell yourself better in networking and job interview situations.


2.      Know the keywords

The best job apps use smart algorithms to match the right people with open jobs and the right jobs with the right people. These algorithms use keywords that show what kinds of experiences and skills a candidate may have. These keywords may be listed as requirements for a job in a job listing. For example, suppose you are a salesman who knows a lot about channel sales and makes sure to put that under “skills.” Clarity is necessary. Don't discuss the details until after meeting the hiring manager.


3.      Polish your profile

A great picture, a catchy headline, and a clear list of your skills and experience can give your professional profile the personality it needs. So try to stand out, but don't use too much cute or confusing language or images.


4.      Initiate the first move

When candidates and employers are interested, many job apps pair them up for a one-on-one chat. At this point, you need to be confident and start a conversation. There's no reason to do nothing here. Hiring managers get a lot of applications, especially if the job is appealing, so being aggressive can help you stand out. So why not use this first impression to show that you are ambitious and skilled?


5.      Be attentive.

Looking for a job helps to be on time and pay attention. This is especially true with job apps. Traditional job boards and company websites are more complicated than job apps, which are easier to use and move faster. Keep track of the employers you match with and the messages you send or receive from hiring managers or recruiters. For apps that have an in-app chat, you should answer quickly. Hiring managers like it when candidates are so eager to be on time.


6.      Be professional

Even if you're using a job app on your phone, you still need to be professional when talking to employers. Even though the talk and atmosphere are refreshingly casual and low-stress, you still need to be careful about correct grammar, attention to detail, and professional etiquette. You might be tapping to apply for jobs and “texting” with hiring managers, but remember that this isn't social media. Our professional futures are at stake!



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