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AllCalculator.net Tire Size Calculator can determine the correct size concerning the tire codes mentioned on the tire.

Intended Use

The codes of the tire are mentioned in the alphanumeric method. It is important to be able to read the tire codes, especially when you are trying to get new tires or change.

The first part of the code comprises two digits or letters. (P, LT, T, ST)

It describes the type of tire the vehicle is intended to use. Usually, there are four categories of vehicles.

P-It is for Passenger Cars. So tires with P specifications are intended to use in cars. Examples: SUVs, crossovers, and minivans.

LT-It is for Light Trucks. So Tires with LT specifications determine they are to carry a heavy load capacity of towering.

ST-It is for special trailers. These tires are used for utility, travel, and boat trailers.

T-It specifies temporary. So these tires are spare tires. These are recommended for something other than everyday use.

Internal Construction 

It is the next step in a Tire code. It comes with a single letter B, D or R. It indicates the construction of a particular tire. The internal part of a tire is made of various piles of cord. It is stated as the carcass. The internal construction determines the durability and strength of a tire. It is an optional letter in the code. If it is not mentioned, the tire is considered a cross-ply tire.


R– It determines the radial. Every passenger uses tires with radial internal construction. In a radial construction, the cords are around the circle's circumference. Hence it is perpendicular to the direction of the travelling route.

D-It indicates diagonal. In this tire, the construction is in such a way that the circumference runs along 30-40° from the bead. The layers cross over each other.

B-It indicates the biased belted tire. It is similar to the construction of a diagonal tire, except that. It has an additional bias-belted tire. The additional layer concludes with stabilizer belts made of steel. It supports additional support and makes the tire more stuff.


AllCalculator.net Tire can suggest the right size of tire for your vehicle concerning the different tire codes in a few seconds.


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