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Embarking on the journey to find the perfect independent school for your child is an exciting and significant step. Open Days offer a valuable opportunity to gain insight into the institution’s culture, curriculum, and community. However, making the most of these events requires careful planning. In this guide, we present the “Top 10 Questions to Ask on Independent School Open Days,” equipping you with a comprehensive list to ensure you gather all the essential information and make an informed decision for your child’s education.

Attending Independent School Open Days is a crucial part of the decision-making process for your child’s education. These events provide a unique chance to gather essential information about the institution’s offerings. To make the most out of your visit, having a set of targeted questions ready is essential. In this guide, we present the “Top 10 Questions to Ask on Independent School Open Days,” designed to help you extract valuable insights and make well-informed choices.

  1. Is the food prepared in-house or brought in?
  2. How easy do you find it attracting high quality teachers?
  3. Would you say Welfare is more important than Exams?
  4. How often do the school governors meet?
  5. What is your next big infrastructure project?
  6. How quickly would you let me know if you feel my child is unhappy?
  7. Are you happy with your pupil numbers?
  8. Are there any less well known sports that you offer?
  9. Do you have an active Parent’s Association?
  10. Would you send your children here – and why?

Open Day Pitfalls: What to Be Wary Of

The big day has arrived, and little Jane or James is in the car with you on the way to his or her first private school Open Day. What on earth could go wrong? Let’s explore some potential pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Timing Mishaps: Being late for the Head’s address at a top boys’ independent school could be embarrassing as you all try to creep in at the back. In a theatre setting, the back can, in fact, be the front, making it even worse.
  2. Dress Code Blunders: Wearing something too smart at a private all-girls independent school—or too scruffy—is also something to avoid. Remember, avoid coming dressed for a wedding or in shorts and flip flops.
  3. Awkward Questions: Asking an awkward welfare question in public at a top public school might cause your child to squirm. It might be better to leave such questions for a conversation with Matron later on.
  4. Lack of Homework: Not doing basic homework when visiting prestigious girls’ boarding schools or top boys’ boarding schools is a mistake. Asking the Head about personal plans, especially if they have no children, might not be very diplomatic.
  5. Question Overload: Asking too many questions and dominating tours at independent school open days is impolite. Also, be mindful not to eat too much of the provided refreshments.
  6. Respectful Exploration: Nosing around classrooms is fine, but avoid being overly nosey—don’t open teacher’s desk drawers, for example.
  7. Engagement Matters: Avoid asking dull questions during open days. Try to engage school staff in brief and interesting conversations, considering that they might have answered the same questions multiple times that morning.
  8. Tailored Queries: Ensure your questions are suitable for the type of school you’re visiting. If attending an open day at a top all-boys independent school or a top all-girls independent school, tailor your inquiries accordingly.
  9. Choosing Attendees: If you have both boys and girls in your family, consider taking only one gender to the event. Attending a Benenden open day as a lone boy might lead to awkwardness.

Remember, approach the day with an open and inquisitive mindset. By steering clear of these pitfalls, you can make the most of your visit and ensure a positive experience for both you and your child.

Original Source: Questions to ask at a school open day