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One of the most important things in this fast-paced, modern world is the amount and variety of technology we hold. From the very common example in our daily lives, mobile phones, to the trending buzz Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, technology is always part of our life, though we realize it. One such technology that is evolving so well in its usage and benefits is theInternet of Things(IoT), making it the popular choice for many to opt in the world. It is so rewarding at the individual and institutional level for an enterprise with the amount of impact they possess and the revolution they brought in. 

According to sources, if the companies blent the IoT technology properly with the physical world, the result can generate an economic evaluation upto $11 trillion. Read more to understand IoT meaning, IoT technologies, IoT industries, and the top benefits of using the Internet of Things in business.

Advantages of IoT for any Business

1.Enhance Productivity

Maximizing the amount of output from the given set of outputs is termed as productivity. Every company craves this vital point of more efficiency in production, and increasing the output produced productivity. With IoT applications in manufacturing, manufacturing units can rightly assess what and where a specific demand arises and collate the resources accordingly and efficiently manage all the stages in the production activities. 

2.A better understanding of customer behavior

It’s ultimately the customers who would decide the result of any firm’s service and product and thus are the kings that businesses reach out to. Hence, having a good command over the preferences and the behavior of all kinds of the audience helps in understanding what kind of product and service they like and dislike, what more has to be added and what has to be deleted in existing products and services. 

3.New Business Opportunities

Businesses needn’t be conventional with the existence of a physical market, customers coming there to get the requirements. As time changes, businesses change, and the number of possibilities one can have in business is countless. 


Developing a great product is the first aim of any business. Finding apt customers and taking the product to them follows next to branding it right and gaining profits. But, in all the stages, money would be involved in some form or another – directly or indirectly, and one can’t afford to lose every penny in unnecessary costs than focussing on the product. IoT applications and solutions come to rescue here.

5.Better utilization and maintenance of assets

As important as assets are for a business, equally important is the round clock maintenance of the assets. Especially, assets like equipment, tools, machinery, etc. should be mandatorily monitored. But, key IoT technologies can be a savior. IoT application connected via a sensor to these assets offers one real-time insight about the machinery or other assets, wherever one is. 

6.Enhanced customer service and experience

Flawless and completely streamlined service is always sought by customers would enhance the profit of any entity. IoT trends in manufacturing, if used, would increase the ease with which the customers can access the product/service. The major examples are mobile card readers, smart trackers, and hyper-local advertising. 

7. Workplace safety 

IoT companies craft devices that can ensure employers and employees with greater safety in their working environment. It’s of the greatest use for employers and employees in high – risk situations like mining, construction, and other heavy industries, etc. 

8.Real-time analytics

One of the best advantages of IoT is real-time analytics it can offer. This real-time analytics help in analyzing the customer patterns and behavior, which in turn is crucial for marketing, sustaining the target audience, and building brand loyalty. The analytics also reaches great heights with digital twins – a product being represented virtually, one of the booming segments of IoT. 

9.Historical Analysis

One of the greatest reasons for actuaries and research and development departments to hold an important position in every firm is their role – they use the past data, analyze the perks and downfalls, and propose the right strategies for the future. But for firms with limited resources and analysts, or for large films to calculate the historical analytics in a very short span of time with greater accuracy and precision, IoT can be used.

10.Ensuring good Storage and selling environment

For the firms producing and selling goods that are perishable, necessary storage conditions for an ambient environment are essential for having a long life of goods. Adhering to these storage conditions is essential. IoT is so helpful in ensuring these as smart sensors can deal with this – they can detect any change in the surroundings and can warn the supervisor as the system is designed. 


Beacons are tiny hardware transmitters that work in low energy and can send messages and signals to smart devices like the smartphones that are nearby, in a certain specified radius. When talking about the internet of things in business, marketing using beacon is one of the splendid ideas used to attract customers today by fostering interaction and engagement. 

12.Digital factory

A digital factory is a factory where almost all of the tools are connected via the internet, and they deliver exceptional performance in comparison with conventional ones. The amusing characteristics like optimization, maintenance of equipment, automation of the entire workflow, remote management are all possible with IoT technology.

13.Quality control

The quality of the product and inputs involved in raw materials are important. IoT technology sensors use previous product data and data from other sources. 

14.Packaging Optimization

Having received all data about how the customers and employees handle products, the IoT technology can propose the right method of packing that can help in withstanding wear and tear, damage to the valuable product. Everything, right from unpredictable conditions like weather till expected transformational damage, the IoT devices would aid in re-engineering and restructuring products and packaging with the same essence in a feasible way.

15.Optimization of Logistics and the Supply Chain

IoT technology offers real-time visualization of all the data by tracking every process of the manufacturing process. Thus, effective monitoring, reporting, and tracking can render the optimization of costs, maximization of productivity, the connection of all suppliers to the industry, and thus, aids in predicting issues, reducing the capital requirements, decreasing the inventory, etc. 



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