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At present time AV solutions are the best option to enhance communication and collaboration in an organization. It is very evident by seeing present av trends. Let us see what these trends are.

Top 4 AV Integration Trends that will be Mainstream in Future

  1. The first trend is the shifting of operations from hardware to software. In the present scenario, the main way of communication is different collaboration applications and tools like google meet, Microsoft teams, Zoom, and many others. These applications provide several features like video conferencing, voice messaging, text messages, etc. Now, according to these applications, AV integration companies need to get their AV systems certifies accordingly.
  2. The second trend is to replace PCs with devices that are video conferencing friendly. As we all know the pandemic trend of BYOD Has been increased and all portable devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones are VC-friendly. So need is to switch from PCs to NCU which are capable of connecting VCs in one touch.
  3. The trend of video walls has completely changed the world for the retail market because they are the most suitable way to display the product and their quality. These walls are collective LED screens for the bigger picture.
  4. The trend of video content is taking place very fast. With the popularity of video conferencing now organizations are aware of the power of video content and that is why production, promotion, and campaigns are mostly covered by video content.



In conclusion of this blog, the obvious thing is to consider these trends through AV integration companies, so they can meet up the pace and level of these trends and av solutions can be developed accordingly. Sigma AVIT is a top brand that is providing av solutions for almost every field.


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