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When you decide to study MBBS abroad, your head would be spinning as there are multiple options you can choose from, with each being better than the rest. But if you filter your choices depending upon your budget and priorities, the preferred facilities in the university, the global acknowledgment, and reputation of the study offered, etc. there are probably a very few names you can seek after amongst them studying MBBS in Russia in 2022 is the most favored option.

Russia, geographically, is the largest country in the world known by the area, politically, it is one of the superpowers influencing the rest of the world, socially, it represents the greatest era revolutionizing history time and again, and culturally, the country is a hub of cultural diversity with aging as old as the time itself.

Studying MBBS in Russia has always been an amazing experience ever since the Soviet era. The alumni students are now the leading names in the medical sector not just in India but also all over the world.

But did the tales end with success of ‘then’ students? Absolutely not, the achievements of previous students worked towards writing a new tale of achievement. As everything is changed, society, its needs, and expectations are also not the same as 50 years ago.

So what would be the reasons why the aspiring doctors in India and many other countries must study MBBS in Russia in 2022?

Here are top 5 reasons why more than 10,000 students choose to study MBBS in Russia at low cost.

  1. Cost Affordability

Medical Education in Russia is heavily subsidized by the government of the country in public as well as private colleges. Therefore, it becomes easy for most of the students to study medical education at affordable cost. Despite being affordable and accessible to all, medical education in Russia is one of the most highly refined quality and hence, is extremely cost-efficient as well as effective in nature. And this is the reason most Indian medical students choose to study MBBS in Russia

  1. Recognition and Reputation of the medical universities

The top Russian medical universities are recognized by the various regulatory bodies around the world like ECFMG, FAIMER, WDOMS, National Medical Commission (NMC), and medical council of many other countries like Canada, Australia, Nepal, etc. Most of the medical universities of Russia are about or more than centuries old but still are the leaders in providing medical education due to their extremely vigilant educational and research practices.

  1. Quality of Education

Another reason for the popularity of MBBS abroad in Russia is the use of the quality of education and latest technology in the training and practices. The top medical universities of Russia use the advanced technological equipment in their classrooms, laboratories, hospitals and libraries not aid to the administrable procedures as well to train required set of skills to their fullest for students. Instruction medium in top medical universities of Russia is also English for international students and for full course duration.

  1. Comfortable Student Life

Since there are plenty of students of Indian origin and from other countries who undergo medical education in Russia, most of the medical universities of Russia cater to the personal preferences and requirements of the students. Therefore these universities provide many facilities for International students like separate hostels for boys and girls, Indian food canteens, sports and cultural clubs as per their interest and many more. All these facilities ensure that the students get to live a comfortable life while studying MBBS in the Russian Medical universities.

  1. Global Scope

Russia also known as one of the epicenters of research practices. The medical universities of Russia focus on the research and practical based education and thereby intrinsically motivating the student towards growth and success in medical field. Due to this reason itself, the students graduating from the top medical universities of Russia have proven to be a successful person in medical field.

To know more about the admissions in your choice of university of Russia or any other country, mail AV Global Overseas Education at contact@avglobaloverseas.com or contact at +918530490888



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