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For the bright future of a child, parents look for the best schooling option in their area. The best education system plays important role in your child's life because it all depends on the atmosphere and surrounding you give to your child. It is upon you that you choose public or private school but you have to keep some points in mind before getting admission. Go to school and take one round of the whole school and observe the principal, teachers, and students.

Following are some points that you need to follow before selecting the school :

• School Details and Info

Firstly you need to get full details of the school from the internet, newspaper, call in school. Gather information about the school from different people. Then only you can decide the school for your child.

• Location of school

You have to check the distance your child has to travel daily. Check the Transportation medium that the school provides is good for your child or not.

• Safety of Students

Safety is a priority for your child that you need to follow. What measures does the school follow for students' safety? Check the rules and regulations of the school and how do school handles harassment, violence, and other bad behaviors if anyone does. Check what plans the school has for emergency measurements both local and national.

• Learning Approach school use

You need to check which advanced technology the school uses for testing and educating students. Nowadays smart classes are provided in school for students so that they can learn fast while watching and reading. Check the communication medium teachers use with students. Do you think your child will accept the learning techniques of teachers and enjoy his/her school life?

• Needs and requirements of your child

See if your child needs more attention and a structured environment. Does your child need extra classes in any subject? Do your child needs special attention? If you want your child admitted to the best C.B.S.E school you first have to know your child's needs.

Royal Convent School is the Best C.B.S.E school in Moga where your student will get well education system as well as development in growth. Well qualified teachers work hard for students and work on Indian culture to reach the heart of every single student.

In Royal Convent School teachers use the best learning techniques based on activity. Each and every student gets involved in activity-based learning techniques.

Child education all depends on School faculty and management. Royal Convent School is a C.B.S.E school in Moga that focuses on the development and growth of students for their bright future.