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React Native is a popular framework for developing native apps on top of JavaScript. It allows developers to build apps that look like they ran in the browser but also run like a native app on iOS and Android. 

With React Native, you can use all of your favourite features, such as push notifications and location services—and it’s getting better by the day.

However, you could still do some things to get better performance out of your React Native app.

Optimize React code

The most important thing, according to the companies which provide react native application development services, you can do to improve performance is to make sure that your code is as efficient as possible.

That means using the right modules and avoiding too large or complicated components.

You should also use the most efficient components when possible—use smaller ones instead of making bigger ones just because they're better looking or have more features. 

For example, don't create a custom dropdown menu unless it's really necessary (and even then, use a standard item component).

Also, keep track of which parts of your app need state management and lifecycle hooks; these will help prevent any unnecessary updates from happening throughout their life cycle.

Cache images

One of the most important things to keep in mind when you're building a React Native app is that images are large files. This means they can take up a lot of space on your device and slow down the loading time of your app.

There are several ways you can speed up this process:

  • Use import and cache images in the same module (rather than each module having its own image folder)
  • Use breakpoints for certain features, such as buttons or containers, so that only certain parts of those features load at once instead of all at once when they come into view.

Optimize Android app size

If you’re looking to increase your app's performance and decrease its size, the first place to start is with Android Studio. 

There are a few things that will help improve performance in your app:

  • Use ProGuard when building your code. With this tool, you can shrink and obfuscate your source code so that it runs faster on Android devices.
  • Use Gradle instead of Eclipse as your build system for React Native projects (but only if you have a recent version installed). 

Remove unnecessary libraries

The first step to improving performance is to remove unnecessary libraries. This can be done by inspecting the linker output of your application and identifying any libraries that are not being used by your app.

Once you've identified those non-critical dependencies, consider whether or not it makes sense for them to exist in production builds at all. 

For example: if there's no reason why these libraries should be included in production builds (e.g., because they're only used by development), then remove them completely.

  1. Use native driver with the Animated API

The Native Driver is a great choice if you want to use the Animated API, but it's not always the most suitable option.

The reason is that this library does not support some of the animations that you would want to perform in React Native (like fade-ins and fade-outs). 

In order to get around this limitation, the react native application development services providers recommend using an alternative approach.

Instead of using the Animated API directly inside your app every time we need these kinds of animations, we can create our own custom animation functions and call them from within our native driver codebase instead.

Use the Gradle Native Plugin for Android to build your React Native projects in Android Studio. 

It should be enabled by default, but if not, you can find it under “Preferences” -> “Build tools” -> “Generate native libraries with Gradle”.


The React Native team is constantly working to improve the performance of their apps, so there’s no need to be afraid of your app running slow. 

Following these tips and tricks will not only help ensure smooth performance but also make your mobile app look better and perform better overall.

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