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You could hear the rejoicing in Brisbane back in 2019 when the MG3 finally got an automatic transmission. It's yet another step forward for one of the country's most popular cars. Now that you have one (or you're thinking of getting one), how do you take care of your MG3 automatic transmission?

Check the Fluid

Make a habit of checking your transmission fluid any time you check your oil levels. If the levels are low, check for leaks under the car. If you note low fluid levels, or if you've seen a puddle of red fluid under the car, refill your fluid and then check again in three days. If the level has dropped again, it means there's a leak.

If the levels are fine but the colour has changed from red to murky, or if the smell has changed from neutral or almost sweet to a kind of rotten-fish odour, get it checked out by an expert right away.

Use the Right Fluid

Not all transmission fluid is going to be the right fit for your car, so be sure to check your owner's manual for details on the specifics that will fit your MG3. If you're still not sure, or just want to be on the safe side, visit the dealer for a top-up or ask them to order the type you need.

Don't Use Neutral at Stops

Some people have the habit of using neutral in lieu of braking, and while that can work, it will also eventually wear out the driveshaft.

Don't ask the transmission to do what the brakes are made to do, and keep yourself safer at the same time! If you get hit from behind at a stop by someone who is not paying attention, then you, your car, and the person in front of you will be better off if your foot is on the brake.

Don't Shift While the Car Is Moving

If you learned to drive on a standard shift, you probably got in the habit of working the gear shift when backing up or moving forward from reverse, even before the car had fully stopped. This makes sense in a standard: it makes no difference since the clutch pedal is depressed. But things are very different in an auto.

When you're shifting from reverse to drive (or vice versa), do yourself a favour and wait until the car is completely stopped before shifting. If you don't, you're thrashing the transmission every time you shift, and eventually, you might disable the locking pin mechanism.

Get Regular Servicing

You might have heard people saying that auto transmissions don't need service. It's true they don't always need as much maintenance as a manual (especially if you tend to flog your standard shift), but that doesn't mean they need no tending to at all.

Oil and transmission fluid always break down with time, and regular maintenance is crucial to ensure a safe and seamless driving experience. This goes double if you're driving in harsh conditions (lots of hills, sand, etc).

Drivers of Brisbane, rejoice! The MG3 is now available as auto. Just be sure to take care of it so you can enjoy a long and useful life for your car.