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Pests are a common problem in both homes and commercial places in United States, causing damage and spreading diseases. Traditional pest control methods often involve the use of harmful chemicals, which can be harmful to humans and the environment also. However, with advancements in technology, there are now professional and innovative pest control products available in the USA market that are safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. In this article, we will discuss some of the must-try pest control products and solutions for both home and commercial use in 2024.

Eco-Friendly Pest Control Solutions

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for eco-friendly pest control options that minimize harm to the environment and human health. As a leading pest control products supplier in the United States Market, the Bentz Jaz USA brings professional and innovative pest control products and solutions for home and outdoor places that prioritize both effectiveness and eco-friendliness. Our new range of eco-friendly pest control solutions caters to the growing demand for sustainable alternatives that minimize environmental impact while effectively managing pest infestations. From the flies control products to the rodents and mosquito control products, the Bentz Jaz USA offers a comprehensive selection of pest control products designed to meet the diverse needs of homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts alike. With our dedication to quality and sustainability, pest control professionals can trust Bentz Jaz USA to deliver reliable solutions for a pest-free environment.

Smart Pest Monitoring and Control Systems

In the growing demand of smart technology, there's a rising trend toward integrated pest management systems that leverage data and automation for more proactive pest control solutions in United States Market. Smart traps equipped with sensors and cameras allow users to monitor pest activity remotely and receive real-time alerts when pests are detected. The leading pest control products supplier like Bentz Jaz USA offer smart traps that can be placed discreetly in both residential and commercial settings, providing valuable insights for targeted pest control strategies.

Top 8 Innovative Pest Control Products by Bentz Jaz USA

There are many pest control products and supplies for the home and commercial places in the United States, and let’s explore the top 8 professional and innovative pest control products by Bentz Jaz USA here:

Bio VE Light Trap: This innovative Flyht DUO LED Light trap is the most effective and eco-friendly led trap with biove+ innovations.The Flyght Duo Led trap uses patented bioVE+ technology to mimic the visual cues of carnivorous plants to attract insects.UV LEDs combined with bioVE+ elicit a strong positive phototactic response in flies. The bioVE+ coating in each FLYght trap makes it perform similarly to ILTs with UV tubes, the manufacturer reports.

Sirenix Larvae Trapper: This highly effective Sirenix mosquito trap comes with many advanced features, like solar panel powered – needless ofpower supply, no location limitation, Maintenance free, Set and forget, Sirenix is designed to promote sustainability, and require minimal maintenance and more.

Gravitrap Mosquito Trap: The innovative Gravitrap Mosquito Trap is a cutting-edge solution designed to target gravid female mosquitoes. Using smart monitoring technology, it attracts and captures these mosquitoes, disrupting their breeding cycle and helping to control mosquito populations effectively. Say goodbye to pesky mosquitoes with this innovative trap. It can be used either indoor or outdoor, enhanced with Gravitreks app to have a easily real-time reporting system. The Gravitrap gives more benefits like the unique adult mosquito trap for easily monitoring and inspection, Efficient in measuring the mosquito infestation level and more.

OMNI Light Trap: It is a new range of flies control products for the indoor use, and featuring Light trap for flies inspection and monitoring, Long-life ultra-violet A (UV A) tube, Unique design for use as up-light or down-light light trap, Enhanced reflection of UV A, Supreme Décor light trap for discreet purpose.

Termatrac T3i: It is the most advanced termite detection device in the United States Market. Used for termite detection/ inspection without damage, Professional tool as real-time detection display, An be easily connected with any smartphone via the app as the display and control platform, Pith 3 mode of detection: thermal (temperature), moisture (humidity) and radar (motion).

Controz 66: A 5x More Effective than Mercury Lamp Traps is suitable for the mosquito control in USA. This CONTROZ 66 catches > 5x more Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that are the vector of ZIKA virus and cause microcephaly than conventional mercury lamp traps.

GSR 75: It is a highly effective rodents control products for home and other commercial areas.Place the GSR 75 Rat Tray lengthwise directly against the walls, along the possible runways of rodents or the areas of high rodent’s activity (fecal pallets or droppings), where the rodents are observed. If the food is scarce, place some lures (eg. vanilla extract, chocolate, peanut butter and etc) in the middle of the trap to lure the rodents.

CONTROZ Hippo Snap Trap: This high quality and effective CONTROZ Hippo Snap Trap is an indispensable tool in rodent control. With its wide grip radius, it is able to accommodate larger rodent or more than one rodent at one time. It delivers a powerful snap strength that ensures a swift and painless death.

Where to Buy Innovative Pest Control Products in USA?

There are many options to buy high-quality pest control products in USA, however Bentz Jaz USA stands out for its professional expertise and commitment to innovation. With a diverse range of eco-friendly solutions and unparalleled customer service, Bentz Jaz USA is the trusted choice for effective pest management solutions. Shop professional pest control products for flies, mosquitoes, rodents etc.. online with the best possible store!


By trying out these innovative pest control products, you can effectively control pests in your home or commercial place without harming the environment.As we navigate the challenges of pest control in 2024 and beyond, embracing innovation is essential for achieving long-term success in pest management and pest solutions. From eco-friendly repellents to smart pest monitoring systems, the landscape of pest control products from Bentz Jaz USAcontinues to evolve, offering more effective and sustainable solutions for both home and commercial environments. By staying informed about the latest advancements and adopting proactive pest management strategies in the United States, we can create safer and more comfortable spaces for ourselves and future generations. Visit https://bentzjazusa.com/pest-products/ or call +1 4703795371 for more details.

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