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Top Ancient Dog Breeds: Akita Inu

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Have you ever wondered when did the first dog exist? According to the discoveries that came with pieces of evidence, it was in around 8000 BC. The breed of dog found was the Akita Inu, which still exists today! Remarkable, right?Dwarf Hamster

The ancient people used this old breed for hunting for animals as food. This talent is possible because of strength and body figure. Despite being a big dog, its lifespan is longer than other big dog breeds. It can live around 10 – 12 years.

This breed is also known for being protective and loyal. If unsafe situations arise, this dog is very willing to take the risk to protect its owner. Aside from that, it also has a loving and affectionate personality, making owners love it even more. If the mentioned characteristics of a dog are what you’re looking for, consider adopting an Akita Inu.

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