1. Programming

Top Angular Libraries for Your Next Web App

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As an open-source JS-based framework, Angular is completely optimized to be used well in the creation of single-page web Apps. It provides a large range of Angular libraries that can help developers build a variety of features and functionalities of the application. Upon their use, the outcome includes the perfect mix of improved efficiency, productivity and overall high-quality product.

In addition to that, when a reputed angular development company employs the top Angular frameworks, the resultant application looks very elegant and is easy to use. Of course, you can get better results if you use the right tools.

But that’s the challenge, choosing the right Angular libraries for your project. Do you look for their ratings? Features? Popularity? How many of these factors would you need to take into consideration before you can finally pick the right ones?

GitHub Stars: 23.2k

License: MIT

If you are looking for a library that can provide a large range of UI components to help you design the UI of your angular application then Angular Material is the perfect pick for you. Based on the Design Material language from Google, this UI library is capable of building responsive web apps.

The components that come with this UI library are easily accessible, well-tested, and reusable. In addition to that, Angular Material also offers an extensive theming system that allows the developers to customize their web apps.

The process of creating an interactive and modern web application with Angular Material is very efficient and intuitive. Its extensive collection of UI components enables the developers to quickly build the user interface of an application.

Implementing components like sliders, input fields, cards, and buttons becomes very easy for developers using Angular Material. Because this angular library is responsive, the apps built using it would work fine on any device.

And if you ever feel stuck with angular app development while using Angular Material, it is easy to get support. The library is well-documented and has the support of a large community. Some of the key features of the library are mentioned below:

  • Responsive design

  • Reusable components

  • Accessible UI features

  • Extensive theming system

GitHub Stars: 25.9k

License: MIT

Angular Command Line Interface allows you to develop and deploy angular apps easily. You can now set up a new project and quickly generate code for common tasks like routing with the help of an intuitive scaffolding system.

Angular CLI provides a variety of commands and tools. In a single command, the developers can deploy their apps into production. In such a way it becomes easy for them to serve angular applications locally.

Moreover, the Angular CLI supports various third-party libraries which makes it easy to integrate other frameworks and tools with the Angular development process.

Angular CLI library’s key features include:

  • Intuitive scaffolding system

  • Generates code for common development tasks

  • Serves apps locally and then deploys them to production using a single command.

  • Supports third-party integration

  • Offers a large array of tools and frameworks

GitHub Stars: 14.4k

License: MIT

Bootstrap is a UI library that comes with a set of angular directives. They help you build user interfaces for angular apps. Apps created using Angular Bootstrap are mobile-friendly and very responsive.

Carousels, buttons, alerts, and many more components are included in its offerings. Such components are helpful to developers in making the UI of an app more interactive as well as visually appealing.

Angular Bootstrap UI library is supported and well-documented. So, if you need any help, it’s easy to get. Moreover, the library can simplify the UI development process. Some of the main features of the library are as mentioned below:

  • Set of directives for UI development based on Twitter Bootstrap.

  • Offers a variety of components to make your app visually appealing and interactive

  • The pre-built components of the library can be easily integrated with the web apps.

  • Good documentation

  • Supported by a large community

GitHub Stars: 6k

License: MIT

If you need a responsive layout system for your angular app then Angular Flex-layout is the right choice for you. This library aims to make it easier for developers to build responsive and flexible UIs that work on all types of devices and operating systems.

Flex-layout also offers a variety of directives including fxFlex and fxLayout that developers can leverage to create responsive and fluid layouts. Moreover, the library renders API to customize the responsive components and layouts.

Even with a large range of layout sizes and breakpoints, it is easy for developers to manage them all while using Flex-layout. Important features of the library are:

  • Responsive layout system

  • Variety of directives

  • Offers APIs for customizing the components and responsive layouts

  • Easy to manage layout sizes and breakpoints

  • Helps build flexible and responsive UI

  • Well-documented

  • Supported by a large community

GitHub Stars: 4.5k

License: MIT

An open-source angular library that enables you to build dynamic tables using advanced features like pagination, filtering, and sorting, is called Ngx data table. Developers can quickly render large sets of data without affecting the performance because the library is already optimized for performance.

Various types of data sources such as OData, CSV, JSON, and more are supported with Ngx data table. Both server-side and client-side data processing are supported in this library. Moreover, Ngx datatable also allows you to customize it using custom templates and styles.

Some of the popular features of the angular library include:

  • Flexible data binding: This angular library supports both remote and local data binding which makes it easier for the developers to bind data from different data sources.

  • Advanced filtering and sorting: Developers can quickly sort and filter large datasets using the Ngx data table to find the necessary information.

  • Column resizing: Columns in the tables are easily resized to accommodate different data types.

  • Row virtualization: Only visible rows are rendered in the Ngx data table. This enables you to scroll through large chunks of data without experiencing any performance issues.

  • Column reordering: The library allows you to reorder the columns which as a result can customize the layout of the table.

  • Editable cells: The Ngx data table allows you to edit cells to quickly update the data in the table.

To develop a secure and reliable web application, you need to pick the right library. It can help you build your app quickly and without many complications. But there are a few things that you should consider while picking an angular library, that is its features, functionalities, reliability, scalability, and performance.

Top Angular Libraries for Your Next Web App Moreover, you must also take the cost of the library and the amount of support it offers into consideration. You first have to analyze your requirements and then research the angular libraries available in the market. It would help you choose a suitable library for the development of your angular web app.

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