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Exercise, particularly joined with getting more fit if you want to, is a significant method to keep up flexibility, says Dr Cathy Kim. And the best thing is, it can be done at home to improve flexibility until it is chosen as a career option.

Flexibility Exercises to ease joint pain at home:

Shoulder rolls

  1. Stand upright, feet hip-width separated and arms at your sides, approximately loose. 
  2. Roll your shoulders up, back, and down. Your thumbs ought to point forward as you start the move. Palms point forward, elbows marginally twisted, as you finish each shoulder roll. 
  3. Presently opposite the development so your shoulders job advances, down, back and up. Rehash a few times. 

Lower back mobiliser

  • Lie on your back, legs practically straight, arms outstretched on the floor, in a cross position. 
  • Breathe out and raise the two knees towards your chest. Breathe in, feeling the air grow your chest. 
  • Breathe out and drop the two knees together to one side. Keep the two shoulders in contact with the floor and turn your head to one side. 
  • Breathe in and take your knees back to the chest. Breathe out and rehash to one side. 
  • Attempt to hold your arms and shoulders down yet feel the lumbo-pelvic locale pivoting unreservedly. 

Standing hamstring stretch 

  • Remain with feet marginally not as much as shoulder-width separated, confronting advances. 
  • Step forward with your left foot. Flex your left foot up towards you. 
  • Twist forward at your hips and spot your hands to your left side thigh. Keep your left leg straight as you somewhat twist the correct knee. 
  • Feel the stretch along your left hamstring. Hold for 30-60 seconds at that point switch sides. 

Chest mobiliser 

  1. Stand upright and open your arms wide, slant your head back and push your chest advances. Take a full breath in. 
  2. Inhale out and as you do so gesture your head to your chest, catch your upper arm with the contrary hand as though embracing yourself and hunch your back advances. 
  3. Rehash at whatever point your back or chest feels solid. 

In case you feel that you want to consult a body mobility professional, get in touch with Dr. Cathy Kim who is an experienced body functions specialist and has helped hundreds of clients getting rid of body / joint pain.