Top FAQs on Car Maintenance in 2021

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Despite the plethora of innovations we've witnessed over the last two centuries, purchasing a  car is one of the most significant investments we can make. Moreover, it's an absolute priority  for many of us. We tend to like our car more than anything else.  

On a long-term basis, car maintenance is necessary. There will be consequences to deal with,  and those repairs can become expensive. It's no surprise that some of the most common  queries asked on Google are about car maintenance. As your resident auto service experts, we  thought we'd dig deep and answer the most common questions asked about car maintenance.  

With that out of the way, let's examine the top FAQs on car maintenance in 2021. So, what are the top FAQs on car maintenance in 2021? 

Q1. How to keep a car engine in good condition? 

We all know that the car engine is considered the heart of the car. Checking your engine will  regularly help keep it in good shape and increase its durability. With that in mind, here are  some tips to keep your engine healthy: 

• Check the cooling system regularly 

• Check the air filter periodically 

• Look for any leaks 

• Replace the engine oil regularly 

• Avoid being on reverse fuel 

• Don't ignore the warning light 

• Don't rev hard 

Facing any car engine issues? Check out the best car engine repair Dubai has to offer. 

Q2. How do timing belts work? 

A timing belt is necessary to keep the engine running internally. Timing belts are vital for  coordinating the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft in the internal combustion of the car  engine. 

The operation of the timing belt is cyclical. Its primary function is to turn the camshaft pulley,  synchronizing this pulley with the crankshaft pulley. The timing belt synchronizes the valves and  pistons at the right time with push cams on the camshaft. 

It's similar to cycling a bike. The cams must reach the upper part of the cycle before the valves  and pistons drive them down again. Time to get a timing belt replacement? Look no further  than Service My Car. 

Q3. What's the difference between a camshaft and a crankshaft? 


The crankshaft is a moving part of the internal combustion engine (ICE). Its principal function is  to transform the linear motion of the piston into rotation motion. The pistons are linked to the  crankshaft by the rods.  


A camshaft on an internal combustion engine is a device that controls both fuel intake and  exhaust. It consists of multiple radial cams, each moving the intake and exhaust valves. The  camshaft connects the crankshaft through a belt, chain or gears. 

Q4. What causes the engine to overheat? 

Overheating is one of the issues that could cause severe damage to the car. Engines can  overheat for many reasons. These include:  

• A damaged radiator 

• Poor piping (hoses) 

• Contaminated coolant 

• Coolant leaks 

• Broken water pump 

• Malfunctioning thermostat 

• A bad exhaust system 

Q5. How long can a car battery sit unused? 

It depends on the condition of your car battery. If the battery is new and has been in good  condition, it can probably remain unused for about two weeks before it gets flat. 

If your car is left unused for over two weeks, you need professional assistance. If your battery is  dead, your brakes may also have suffered from corrosion if they have been wet for an extended  period without use. 

In most cases, you'll need a car battery replacement. Get the most convenient car battery  replacement at Service My Car.  

Q6. How do you keep your car in good condition?

There are a few things to keep in mind for vehicles to operate smoothly. Check out these steps  to keep your car in good shape:  

• Keep tabs and get a car oil change periodically 

• Have the cooling systems flushed and change your coolant 

• Change your transmission fluid when necessary 

• Keep tabs on, and change, the brake fluid when required 

• Get a car wash periodically 

• Protect your car from harsh climates by getting car detailing work done 

• Get a wheel alignment whenever required 

Q7. Why is my car AC not cooling fast? 

AC troubles in your car can ruin your day in no time. The most frequent causes of air  conditioning breakdowns are leaks or compressor problems. If your air is blowing hot air, the  problem could be a blocked filter, a cooling fan problem, or a radiator problem.  

It could just be that you have to repair your car AC. It might be caused by leaks, so it's best to  also get your AC compressor checked. 

Q8. How often should I change my car oil? 

Even if you don't drive a lot or get to the recommended mileage interval, it's best to change  your oil twice a year. Your oil can be good. It is the humidity in your engine that is the real  enemy.  

If you do not run your car for very long very often, the engine will not be hot enough to burn off  this moisture. Your oil will not be as effective in lubricating your engine, ultimately resulting in  shorter engine life. As such, you can always get a quick car oil change at Service My Car.  

Q9. What can cause a flat tyre? 

There's no escape. At some point, you are likely to have a flat tyre. However, it's just a matter  of how bad the puncture is and where it is on your tyre. Luckily, we can sort out your flat tyre issues in a jiffy with our swift roadside assistance service.  

Q10. What if it rains after a windshield replacement? 

After your car windshield replacement, you may ask yourself if you can move your car  outdoors, allowing it to sit in the rain. Professionals use UV light to help your windscreen resin  dry quickly. Once the polymer has dried, you can use your car as you would typically do so. 

Hopefully, these 10 FAQs give you more clarity on car maintenance. Follow these practices to  get the best out of your car for the long road.  

Taking good care of your priced possession requires a lot of time and effort. Why not leave all  the hard work to us? If you’re looking for your Mazda service in Dubai. So, you can connect with us and we will take your Mazda to the best Mazda service center Dubai.  We'll pick up, service, and deliver your car back to you in no time.  

Book a service or repair today on our website or on the Service My Car Super App.