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Top Knee Pain Causes While Walking, Sitting and Bending | Zyla Health

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Last week, Riya went for a walk with her friends. After a couple of rounds, she felt a sudden pain in her left knee. Earlier, she used to feel the same type of pain while bending also. Since that day, she has been worried about her knee.

Most of us can relate to Riya. We all must have experienced mild to severe knee pain while walking, sitting or bending at least once in our life.

Have you ever wondered why you experience this knee pain? Is it because of weak joints or ageing and bone diseases or some nutritional deficiency? Why is it getting so common in the younger generation also? What are the knee pain causes?

You will get the answers to these questions in the following blog. Before jumping to the methods to prevent knee pain, we will first take a look at the causes of knee pain in detail.

What are the knee pain causes?

The knee is one of the most crucial joints in your body. It helps in walking, bending, sitting, climbing stairs and many other day-to-day activities.

The knee is not just a joint but comprises a whole set of muscles, ligaments, bones and tendons. Even small damage to any of these components can lead to knee pain. So, altogether there can be a number of knee pain causes.

Let’s discuss some of them in the following section…

1. Injuries

Injury to any of the components of the knee can cause knee pain. It can be either tendon, ligament, cartilage or fluid-filled sac that surrounds the knee. Some of the common knee injuries are:

a. ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injury

The ACL is one of the knee ligaments that joins the shinbone to the thigh bone. An ACL injury is more common in people who play sports like football, basketball, soccer or any other activity that requires a sudden change in direction.

b. Fractures

It is due to breakage of any of the knee bones including the kneecap. In the case of osteoporosis, there are more chances of fractures because bones are quite weak. So, they can easily break by just a miss in the step.

c. Meniscal tear

The meniscus is C-shaped rubber cartilage. It acts as a cushion or shock absorber between the thigh bone and shinbone. It can be torn by forceful rotation or twisting of the knee and hence can become one of the knee pain causes.

d. Bursitis

The fluid-filled sac that surrounds the knee is called bursae. It reduces friction between the bones of the knee joint and ensures smooth movement. Inflammation of bursae due to some injury or repeated bending of the knee results in knee pain.

An image of a person holding his knee in pain.
Inflammation of the bursae can cause knee pain.

e. Patellar tendinitis

Tendon is a thick fibre that connects muscle to bone. The patellar tendon connects the kneecap to the shinbone and helps in jumping, running and kicking. The inflammation of this tendon causes knee pain. Patellar tendinitis is more common in people who are involved in some sort of jumping sports.

If you are looking for a program to manage your knee or overall health, download the Zyla app or check out our website Zyla.in and get the best guidance. At Zyla, we provide a holistic approach to dealing with health-related complications.

2. Mechanical dysfunction

Dysfunction of any of the components of the knee joint can cause mild to extreme pain. It can be due to excessive physical activity or overuse of joints. Let’s take a look at some of the dysfunctions that cause knee pain.

a. IT (Iliotibial) band syndrome

IT band is a thick bundle of fibres that stretches from the outside of the hips to the outside of the knee. In this syndrome, the IT band becomes very tight and starts rubbing against the knee bones leading to knee pain.

b. Dislocated kneecap

It occurs when the patella or kneecap dislocates from its actual position. It moves to the outer parts of the knee and is also called “Patellar dislocation”.

c. Foot or hip pain

People with hip or foot pain generally change their way of walking to get some relief from joint pain. The change in the walking style puts more pressure on the knee and becomes one of the knee pain causes.

Take care of your feet in this monsoon season, especially if you have diabetes by reading our blog, “Monsoons & footcare”.

d. Patellofemoral pain syndrome

It occurs as a result of muscle imbalance, tightness or overuse of knee joints. It causes irritation under the kneecap due to repetitive stress on the knee joint.

3. Arthritis

Arthritis is the inflammation or swelling of one or more joints. It causes pain and stiffness in joints which progresses with age. The different types of arthritis which are knee pain causes are:

a. Osteoarthritis

It is the wear and tear type of arthritis. In this condition, the cartilage that surrounds the bones softens and affects the movement of the knee.

b. Rheumatoid arthritis

It is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder in which the immune system attacks your own body parts. It can attack any joint in the body including the knees as well.

c. Gout

It causes knee pain by accumulating excess uric acid crystals in the joints. It is characterised by severe pain and redness of joints.

d. Septic arthritis

It arises from infection of the joints. The infection can be caused by the travel of harmful organisms through the bloodstream to the joints or by some animal bite.

So, we have discussed some of the common knee pain causes in detail. You must be surprised and worried at the same time after getting some knowledge about the causes of knee pain.

Take a deep breath and relax because these conditions can be treated and managed with proper guidance and lifestyle modifications. So, let’s jump to the methods of knee pain treatments.

What are the knee pain treatments?

Mild to moderate pain in the knees can be treated with some home remedies. However, in severe and consistent pain, a physical consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended.

One of the widely used methods to treat minor knee pain is the RICE method. RICE stands for:

  • Rest: Take proper rest and avoid intense physical activity.
  • Ice: Ice the affected area for 15–20 minutes, 3–4 times a day to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Compress: Wrap the knee with an elastic bandage to provide support to the affected joint. It will reduce inflammation as well.
  • Elevate: Try to elevate the knee by placing a pillow under the affected joint while sitting or lying down.

You can also watch our video on “Home remedies for knee pain” to treat knee pain easily and effectively at your home itself!

Besides these methods, it is also advisable to take anti-inflammatory medications. But, these medicines can have some side effects. So, you should always take these medications under a doctor’s supervision.

An image of a woman performing a forward seated stretch.
Stretching can help in managing knee pain.

In some cases, physiotherapy or stretching exercises are also recommended. If your pain is severe or it is not cured after some time, then you should consult your doctor to plan investigations and treatment accordingly.

Download the Zyla app or check out our website Zyla.in to get the best and customised guidance on your health. At Zyla, we provide a holistic approach to dealing with health-related complications.

Now, you are aware of some common knee pain causes and knee pain treatments. We will now further move to the most important steps that you should always follow to prevent knee pain by making a few changes in your daily life!

What are the knee pain preventions?

You should follow these steps to prevent or reduce the risk of knee pain in easy ways:

1. Shed some extra kilos

Extra weight can put more strain on your joints. So, you should always lose extra weight and try to maintain a healthy weight.

Learn which exercise to do to reduce weight through our blog- “Importance of physical activity in weight control” and for some important weight loss tips read- “10 Tips to keep in mind during weight loss management”.

2. One step at a time

Always plan your workout in a gradual manner. Do not include an intense workout on your first day. Start with light exercises and then gradually increase the intensity.

3. Practice under guidance

Make sure to use the right technique and movement patterns while working out or practising for some sports activity. Learn from professionals and then follow their guidance.

4. Stretch regularly

Do regular stretching to improve flexibility and loosen the tight muscles.

Yoga is the best type of stretching exercise for improving flexibility, especially for the elderly. Read more about it in our blog- “What are the benefits of exercise after 60!”.

5. Keep it light

It is not necessary to do intense activities regularly. On some days, you can do low-impact activities like swimming, biking, or walking. They can also keep you active and healthy.

6. Wear your knee pads

You should wear knee pads if you are doing an intense workout as a means of knee pain prevention. They will reduce pressure on your knees and will provide support to them.

We all are so occupied with our busy schedules that we often forget about our own health. Just like machines, your body also needs maintenance. A small malfunction can affect your whole body and can become one of your knee pain causes.

So, one should maintain a healthy body by making some changes in their daily routine. As discussed above, you can easily include these small changes in your lifestyle. These steps can keep your knees healthy and functional in a better way.

An image of a woman doing active stretching.
Regular physical activity can improve flexibility.

Also, our team of professionals at Zyla Health work together to give you a holistic approach to meeting your health goals. Download the Zyla app or visit our website Zyla.in to explore the various programmes and start your health journey today.

Stay safe and healthy!

For more information, you can visit here
