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Top Must-Know Programming Languages A Full-Stack Mobile Developer

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From the back-end to the middleware to the front-end tools, full-stack developers have the expertise and abilities to create a comprehensive mobile application.


To be considered a full-stack mobile developer, the developer must be knowledgeable with a select few options at each level. Additionally, they need to be skilled at creating native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. 


Programming Languages that a full stack mobile developer must know are listed below:

Android Developer 

  1. Javascript

JavaScript is a high-level computer language that is a crucial component of the World Wide Web. 97.8% of all websites employ it as a client-side programming language. Initially utilized only to create online browsers, JavaScript is now also employed in server-side website deployments and non-web browser applications.


Javascript, which debuted in 1995, was formerly known as LiveScript. It was promoted as the “younger brother” of Java, which at the time was a widely popular language. Over time, JavaScript developed into a fully autonomous language. Even though the two languages have many similarities, JavaScript and Java are not interchangeable today.

Learn JavaScript from the greatest full stack software developer course in Mumbai. 

  1. SDK

Software development kits (SDKs) facilitate the creation of applications for a given system, platform, or programming language. Consider it to be a toolbox or the plastic tool bag that is delivered with the pieces of a dresser you purchased to assemble yourself, but specifically for the creation of apps. You have the essential “building blocks” or “development tools,” but what is included in the kit varies by manufacturer.


The Java Development Kit (JDK), Windows 7 SDK, Mac OS X SDK, and iPhone SDK are a few examples of software development kits. You can create your own Kubernetes operator, for instance, using the Kubernetes operator SDK. It includes high-level APIs, scaffolding and code generation tools, and extensions to address typical operator use cases.


iOS Developer 

  1. Objective C

Writing OS X and iOS applications requires you to utilize Objective-C as your primary programming language. It is a superset of the C programming language that offers dynamic runtime and object-oriented features. In addition to adding syntax for defining classes and methods, Objective-C inherits the primitive types, flow control instructions, and grammar of C. Additionally, it provides dynamic type and binding while adding language-level support for object literals and object graph management, postponing many tasks to runtime.

  1. Swift

Swift was formerly ranked in the top ten programming languages in the TIOBE Index list of popular programming languages. Apple released Swift for Mac and Linux applications in 2014.


Swift is an open-source, simple-to-learn programming language that supports nearly all of Objective-features. Compared to other programming languages, Swift is easier to learn and can be used with IBM Swift Sandbox and IBM Bluemix. Popular iOS applications like WordPress, Mozilla Firefox, SoundCloud, and even the game Flappy Bird employ the Swift programming language.

Cross Platform

  1. React Native

You may create natively rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android using the well-liked JavaScript-based mobile app framework known as React Native (often referred to as RN). by using the same codebase; the framework enables you to develop an application for a variety of platforms.


In 2015, Facebook originally made React Native available as an open-source project. It rose to the top of mobile development tools in just a few short years. Some of the most popular mobile applications in the world, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Skype, are powered by React Native development. 

  1. Ionic


The Drifty Co.'s Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley developed Ionic, a full open-source SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps, in 2013. The initial version, which was based on AngularJS and Apache Cordova, was launched in 2013.

  1. PWA

Applications known as Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are created using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that we all presumably already know and adore. However, they mimic the look and feel of a real native app.

PWAs are built with features like push notifications and offline functionality. Modern APIs are also used in their development, which makes it simple to give greater functionality, dependability, and flexibility to install them on any device.

  1. Xamarin

Built on the.NET Framework is Xamarin. It enables the easy creation of apps that work on several platforms.  

  1. Unity

The Google Play Store has a large selection of games that use the cross-platform Unity game engine. You can create and distribute incredibly entertaining 2D or 3D mobile games with the help of Unity's modular tools.


As a full stack mobile developer, I hope you found this list of top programming languages useful. You can master them with the best full stack developer course designed for working professionals. Sign up and get ready to become a pro programmer.