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Top Qualities of a Fire Restoration Company with Sterling Reviews

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Putting together the pieces after a fire can seem overwhelming. You require a responsive and effective restoration, but you also deserve a restoration service that treats you with compassion and the highest respect during this tough time. After a fire, you want to work with the best fire restoration company with sterling reviews. This blog post lists the top 7 qualities to look for in a fire restoration company.

The Right Certifications  

One of the foremost things to check for is certifications. Look for restoration companies that are certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning Restoration Certification (IICRC) and have achieved a higher standard of excellence in their services and practices. 

You could be held accountable for the damage or accidents that happen if the company you hire is operating without insurance or licenses.

Available 24/7 

Fire damage occurs without warning; hence you’ll need immediate help. If help doesn’t arrive on time, the damage could get worser. A fire restoration company with sterling reviews will be available 24/7 every day of the year to provide emergency services. 

Experience Restoring Fire Damage

A dependable fire restoration company has years of experience and expertise to execute the job rightly the first time. Do some research. Check online ERG reviews from Google and the Better Business Bureau to read past customers’ experiences. When it comes to home and business restoration, experience is foremost.

Provides Additional Services 

Your property could require additional services which are not covered in fire damage repair. A dependable fire restoration company should deal with everything from fire and smoke damage to water damage, mold remediation, storm damage cleanup, among others. 

That’s why look for a large independently owned full-service restoration company. Only a full-service company can provide you with the services you need to get your property back to its pre-loss condition. 

Collaborates With Your Insurance Company

Hire a fire restoration company that makes your life easier during this time of calamity. An experienced restoration company like ERG Recovery will work with you to document the damages, record unsalvageable items, and submit the required paperwork related to your insurance claim. Then, send the bill directly to your insurance company.

Forthright About the Timeframe  

If the restoration timeline looks too good to be true, it may be a fake promise. While every restoration company works to complete projects within a timeframe varying factors could alter the timeline. The level of damage, size of the property, and material choices make it hard to expedite completion. 

A reliable fire restoration company will be forthright about the timeframe of your project. 

Provides Free Estimates

Not every restoration company provides free estimates. You would discover this after the project is finished when additional charge(s) show up on your bill. Ask before the start of the project whether the company you are going to hire provides a free estimate to abate any miscommunication later.

Read ERG reviews given by past customers. Their technicians are known to provide you with a free estimate on each phase of your restoration and continuous updates.

The Bottomline

These are the qualities to check in a fire restoration company with great reviews.


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