1. SEO

Top SEO Services in India for Startups : Boost Your Online Presence

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services in India have become a vital part of any business. In this current digital age, having an effective SEO campaign is essential for businesses to stay ahead of their competitors. It remains visible on Google search engine results on pages. 

SEO services is a process of optimizing a website for Google search. It is helpful to earn higher web traffic levels. It also enhances the online visibility of the site.

The basic steps in SEO are:

  1. On-Page SEO: It includes all the measures taken directly within the website to improve its ranking in search engine results. This includes things like optimizing titles and meta descriptions, as well as improving the overall structure and content of the site.
  2. Off-Page SEO: This refers to all the measures that can be taken outside of the website itself to impact its ranking. Link building and social media management are included in it.

 Both are for any website looking to improve its search engine ranking. But they each play a different role. On-page optimization is more about making sure that your site is technically sound and informative. Off-page optimization is more about building up your reputation online.

Some of the benefits of SEO for businesses are:

  1. Increased traffic
  2. Cost-effective
  3. Improved brand awareness and visibility
  4. Greater customer insights
  5. Increased ROI


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