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Expense on advertising is seen to grow by almost 6% in 2023. Yet, this figure applies simply to a slice of the total marketing pie. A new trend is digital marketing which has come of age with the rising popularity of the internet.

For success in digital marketing, businesses have to adapt to evolving tastes of customers and changing conditions of the market. This is not easy for marketers, with new fads and new algorithms manifesting in the space for marketing.

Marketers may strive to achieve the following objectives of digital marketing:

  • Boost brand authority and exposure by engaging users
  • Know the target audience
  • Save money and time
  • Create potential customers and new leads
  • Keeps track of performance
  • Enhances the potential of ROI.
  • Keep ahead of rivals
  • Define SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

For retaining customers, combatting competition and scaling your competition, it must be ensured that you are updated with the latest developments in digital marketing. Following are some trends and tips for such marketing that can be learnt from digital marketing training in Chandigarh:

1. Short-form video and live-stream content

In all marketing mediums and channels, video accounts for the best rates of lead generation and conversion. As per statistics, 23% of the time for global viewing is spent watching live videos on online social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. The remaining 77% applies to on demand-content. This is because most people like to stay abreast of current happenings and trends. Short lengths of videos are necessary for maintaining the interest of viewers in advertised goods and services.

2. Content marketing

A digital marketing strategy that is deficient in the right mix of good content is doomed for failure. However, simply generating content may not help you accomplish objectives. Such content should be created which supports the objectives of marketing.

Content must be created to provide solutions for the needs of customers. One great content marketing tactic is the conduct of sessions of online Q & A. The relevance of content marketing is that consumers are apprised of the content and how their services and products improve their quality of life. It is thus that content marketing improves the number of visitors of high quality visiting the website, resulting in enhanced sales, leads and exposure.

The most effective types of content are videos and blogs. Viewership of digital video is set to touch 3.48 billion in 2023. Videos are excellent tools to display the purpose and culture of a brand. As for blogs, they have evolved into key communication platforms for businesses. Other types of content include Webinars; e-mail newsletters, eBooks, Podcasts, downloadable guides etc.

3. SEO marketing

SEO courses in Chandigarh throw light on the fact that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can serve as the central point for the integration of all aspects of the campaign for digital marketing. Users are likely to browse the site and make sales when SEO helps place your site at the top of the first two pages of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). It helps in marketing by improving website traffic, increasing visibility for a wide audience and developing credibility and authority.

The main kinds of SEO include On-page SEO, Off-page SEO and Technical SEO. On-page SEO refers to internal practices of websites that help in enhancing visibility and ranking, such as title tags, meta descriptions etc. Off-page SEO refers to efforts outside the website to boost SERP, such as creating backlinks from other websites. Technical SEO helps to optimize the site performance, crawl pages, Site indexing etc.

4. Social media marketing

Learn about this in the social media course in ChandigarhThis channel of marketing has made things easy for digital marketers, like providing them with the chance to attract the best clients, identifying their needs and wants and offering solutions to satisfy their desires. Social media platforms are vital for developing a reputation and sharing of information. Only take care that the right content is shared with the targeted audience. Some of the leading social media platforms are Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter etc.

5. E-mail marketing

As per stats, 57% of small businesses use e-mail marketing as their main marketing strategy. In this channel, e-mails are used to construct a strong relationship between the company and its customers. For proper selling of brands, an e-mail list should be created first. Gaining a sign-up to the company website is the best mode to acquire contacts.

6. Podcasting

The creation of podcasts offers several benefits to the business in unexpected ways, rendering it as an excellent investment. The stats speak for this- nearly 20.3% of net users were engaged in listening to podcasts in 2022. This is a huge number, and most will return to the website for additional content or subscribe to podcasts on podcasting platforms. Listeners tend to make purchases when they listen to entertaining content.

7. AI-powered marketing

Currently, it is observed that AI or Artificial Intelligence is continually changing the world of digital marketing. By using AI-powered platforms and tools to simplify multiple tasks of marketing, the process of identifying targeted clients and production of lead-generating content has been improved.

Because of AI technology, several digital marketing processes are enabled as well as completely automated. AI has a positive impact on strategies for digital marketing.

The main use cases of AI in marketing are as follows:

  • Copywriting or content creation: AI is used by marketers to develop cost-effective, personalized content which meets the demands of customers without burdening the marketing team. Chat GPT is the latest trend in digital content creation. Combined with the efforts of data scientists and professional writers, the technology helps deliver outstanding content.
  • For personalization: The language technology of AI becomes relevant when digital marketers continually struggle to offer the right message to the proper customer at the best moment. NLG (Natural Language Generation) and NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools of AI help marketers to personalize and customize content at the fast pace needed in the digital marketing world.
  • For creatives: Creatives are important in the digital marketing world when you run a marketing campaign with the objective of lead generation and engagement. There are several AI tools to create professional-looking ads and social media posts for marketers.


In sum, digital marketing is a highly effective strategy for a business. The above tips and trends in digital marketing are useful to accomplish the objectives of such strategies. They help to make the business stand apart from its competition.


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