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“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” That’s why we have school formals. This is a night where friends put on their dancing shoes and have the time of their lives. Students of Year 12, this is one day which you all must be looking forward to with bated breath. So, are you in charge of planning and organising a school formal?  Have you considered a venue? How about a boat hire on Sydney Harbour? Being a Sydneysider myself, with nostalgic memories of my spectacular school formal, I’ve got some top tips for you to throw a groovy School Formal on a charter boat…


Know Your Budget & Stick To It 


Before looking out for that potential ideal venue, catering options, decorations and the like, the first thing to do is to find out the allocated budget for the School Formal. Once you have the budgetary details, make a list of entertainment, dining and other options that could stay within your budget. Be well aware of hidden costs and refrain from inclusions you don’t need. Keep an eye out for discounts and offers. 


A boat hire on Sydney Harbour offers a cost-effective cruising experience and great value for money. From an array of cruising vessels, choose one that fits your budget and requirement. 


A Boat Charter Makes For An Exceptional Venue


The most crucial part of a School Formal is the venue, no doubt. Eighteen-year-olds expect something vibrant and happening just like them – some place that is insta-worthy. Cliched venues include school auditoriums and hotel ballrooms, but everyone’s always on the lookout for a venue with a ‘wow-factor’. 


Catamarans, private party boats and the like offer the ideal ambience to impress the crowd. When you charter a boat, you get to enjoy a magnificent waterfront dining experience, amazing harbour views of the Opera House, Harbour Bridge and the city skyline. What’s more beautiful? These views make fabulous backdrops for selfies and photographs, especially at night. 


Make Use of Great Dining & Entertainment Options


When you decide on a venue, you must make sure that it offers good dining options. Moreover, you just can’t do without any entertainment for a school formal. A charter boat offers a wide range of catering options from a barbeque menu to a cocktail menu. Look out for the available amenities for your choice of entertainment like DJ and audio visual system. Most importantly, enquire if you can bring your own provisions for entertainment. The themes, menus, beverages and entertainment can be tailored according to your requirement and budget. Make sure you have all the resources to make your school formal rocking.


Ensure Safety and Security 


To ensure the safety and security of the students on a charter boat, teachers must be chaperones at the school formal. This is to monitor students and prevent mishaps or misconduct on board. It also ensures guest-list management and a hassle-free, fun event for the ones in attendance. 


Wear the Right Attire


Going by the name a school formal is a formal event where students must wear formal attire. Girls can wear formal gowns–short or long. Boys can wear formal suits like a tuxedo with bow and tie. You can make it more interesting by twinning with your partner. If you are having a themed school formal, you can even think of unique ways to bring a quirky twist to your formal attire. When you are on a charter boat it’s best to avoid wearing heels or stilettos.


So, get all decked up, catch hold of your boyfriend, girlfriend, bestie or hang-out buddy and shake a leg at your school formal. Have fun and create sweet memories!!!