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Get the sunshine habit. You will feel better and look better for the rest of your MelaLuna Sleep Review  life.Laser surgery for stretch marks has advanced more rapidly over the years. Try to do a little research an you may find that there is divided opinion with regards to the effectiveness of the procedure.Proponents of the laser therapy say that the process is effective since it contributes to the growth of collagen and elastin needed for skin growth and regeneration. This repair replaces the scarred tissues to reveal new and healthy skin.

As with any other therapy, success is determined by the stage of the stretch marks. Older marks are more difficult to treat. This treatment has a high rate of satisfaction. The use of laser is precisely controlled so it is safe. Ultimately, it is less invasive compared to surgical procedures like tummy tuck, which has longer recovery period and possible complications.

On the other hand, contenders for the laser surgery for stretch marks argue the opposite. Although laser is useful in eliminating damaged tissues, they say it cannot restore tissues to a healthy and renewed state. It is possible that the laser can even cause superficial damage to the skin when mishandled. The laser procedure is even done on several occasions and can be quite costly.



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