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“Trailblazer of the Town: Sarah Klee Hood’s Record-Breaking Journey”

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Sarah Klee Hood is a remarkable individual embodying a multitude of roles: an Air Force veteran, elected councilor, devoted mother raising two young daughters, seasoned environmental policy expert, and proud native of Central New York. Fondly referred to as “Sarah from Syracuse,” she is deeply rooted in her community. Currently, Sarah resides in Dewitt, New York, alongside her supportive husband Rob and their two delightful daughters, Olivia and Amelia.

The 2022 Campaign: A Close Call

In 2022, Sarah Klee Hood for NY bravely stepped into the political arena, driven by her passion to represent and advocate for Central New York. Despite her relentless efforts, she narrowly missed clinching victory. Her opponent, the infamous crypto magnate Sam Bankman-Fried, spared no expense, pouring nearly half a million dollars into his campaign to defeat Sarah. Yet, Sarah's resilience and unwavering commitment to her constituents remain unscathed.

Sarah Klee Hood: A Pillar of DeWitt Town Council

Sarah's dedication to public service is exemplified by her role as an elected DeWitt Town Councilor. Her remarkable ascent to this position began in 2021 when she secured a landslide victory, becoming the top ‘vote getter' and shattering two county turnout records in the process. Her tenure on the DeWitt Town Board is marked by a steadfast commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing her community.

Beyond the Council: A Commitment to Service

While Sarah's service as a councilor is commendable, her contributions extend far beyond the boardroom. She actively engages in various initiatives aimed at uplifting her community and country. Whether it's championing environmental causes, advocating for veterans' rights, or promoting inclusive policies, Sarah's impact reverberates across Central New York.

Sarah Klee Hood for NY: A Beacon of Hope

In the realm of New York politics, Sarah Klee Hood emerges as a beacon of hope—a voice for the voiceless and a champion for change. Her unwavering dedication, coupled with her diverse expertise, positions her as a formidable force poised to make a significant impact on the political landscape. As she continues to navigate the complexities of public service, one thing remains certain: Sarah Klee Hood's legacy will endure, shaping the future of Central New York for generations to come.

Sarah Klee Hood for NY – a name synonymous with resilience, integrity, and unwavering commitment to the people she proudly serves.


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