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We love a total smile restoration! Because of our wholistic approach to dentistry, we love even more doing so conservatively with the gold standard of cosmetic dentistry using special porcelain-like veneers called “emprethins’. These veneers are able to restore unevenly spaced, chipped, stained or crooked teeth into stunning ‘Hollywood’ smiles. And who wouldn’t want that?!

While regular porcelain veneers usually require an aggressive drilling and grinding down of the teeth, the minimal or no-preparation required for emprethin veneers make them a painless solution to restore smiles and permanently whiten teeth. A total smile restoration is much faster with ceramic emprethin veneers than traditional veneer procedures due to this minimal preparation time.

Just like in the word, they are super thin shells of ceramic, which are placed on virgin teeth while keeping the structure of the tooth intact. Emprethins are the latest ultra-thin veneer, which can be made at approximately 0.2 mm – 0.3 mm. At Junction Family Dental in Toronto, our dental team is specially trained to cut and layer these thin ceramic shells on top of one another to create the most natural, realistic, beautiful looking smiles.

Depending on your alignment, shape and size of your teeth, this conservative method may not be the best option for everyone. Others may get the best results using stronger, thicker and more durable veneers. As a holistic dental clinic that prefers less-invasive measures, we will always recommend the more conservative approach if possible.

Book your appointment now to see if you’re an ideal candidate for this ceramic veneer procedure. Our dental team will be happy to discuss your options for your specific oral needs and the best way to achieve your optimal smile!

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