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As the global workforce evolves, more individuals turn their attention towards a multi-career path for professional growth, higher income, and greater experience. Having multiple careers brings various perks to the professional and personal development spheres of an individual's life. With multiple careers, you can work on your primary jobs, which are your main revenue stream, and on your passions and hobbies.

However, there are fundamentals to embarking on a multi-career path when you only have experience of working one job or serving a single profession at a time. Creating multiple careers and aiming for progress brings disadvantages and advantages alike. Regardless, with valuable inspiration and guidance from leading entrepreneurial figures, you can navigate on this turbulent path with adroitness.

Take a look at Travis Howard, an increasingly popular engineer, singer, rapper, songwriter, composer, engineer, and entrepreneur with countless accomplishments under his name. He holds a diverse skillset and profound insights into the development of a multi-career professional life. He is a graphic designer, website developer, business innovator, and American socialite with several popular albums released in recent years.

Travis Howard is a breathing example of how an individual can embark on a multi-career journey with little or no experience. By utilizing his intellectual prowess, strategic relationships, and acting on the fundamentals of thriving in professional environments, Travis crafted successful routes in various industries. From software engineering to the music industry, Travis expanded his reach across multiple industrial spaces for exponential professional and personal growth.

Currently, he is a fully creative owner of his most recent music albums on which he worked without external participation. Travis is an innovator in the branding world where he has come up with several of his own brands, such as TRAVel, ulTRAViolet, TRAVerse, and many more. As he sees individuals juggling multiple careers with debilitating impacts on their mental and physical health, here's what he says could help:

Take a Moment to Assess Your Lifestyle

Rushing towards incorporating multiple career titles under your name could be a big mistake, as Travis Howard believes. You must assess and evaluate your lifestyle, health, and availability of time when you are not doing anything productive or creative.

Once you realize that you have time to spare for an additional career, conduct thorough research and come up with career ideas that align with your acquired or desired skillset. For people interested in dedicating more time to raising a family and tending to personal needs, juggling multiple careers is daunting.

Always Set an Objective and Practical Career Plan

It is ambitious to have more than one career, whether in the same industrial vertical or apart. However, what’s confusing is not knowing where one or more of your careers are headed when you have already invested considerable time and energy.

Ask yourself these questions: do you want to have a social impact with your new career? Are you planning to build a company in the newly selected industry? Answering such questions helps you realize what you aim to achieve with multiple careers and then put together a plan.

Adopt New Careers Cautiously

In his experience, Travis knows the value of having additional careers at the expense of diminishing time for personal growth and hobbies. Therefore, he emphasizes the need for careful consideration and an unhurried approach toward adopting additional careers.

For instance, if you already have a stable career in website development and wish to take on professional marketing roles, think about having freelance experience at a smaller level first. This helps put experience and confidence on your back for when you are ready to move up!


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