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Xylitol helps to reduce tooth decay rates and Diabetes Freedom Review  is also known to promote a feeling of fullness. Tagatose behaves like fiber and is almost completely unabsorbed so it has no impact on blood glucose and insulin levels. It also appears to be helpful in raising good HDL cholesterol levels. Tagatose may also reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Inulin is only partly digested by humans. Inulin has also been shown to increase the friendly bacteria in the colon while reducing bad bacteria. Inulin has been shown to suppress appetite, help stabilize blood glucose levels, and maintain high energy levels. So the combined effects of these three products in one sweetener makes it a very good choice for dibetics and also for preventing diabetes.

Splenda is OK for moderate use because it does not break down when heated, Stevia, also known as Sweetleaf leaves a unpleasant after taste. Nutra Sweet and Equal should be used conservatively. They also lose sweetness when heated. There you have some choices for your sweet tooth, but remember if you're sweetening up pastry, you also have to account for the carbohydrates.

A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes can send your mind into a spin and your emotions all over the place.  But it's not a death sentence and treated sensibly with an increase in physical activity and a healthy eating plan, you will be able to live your life without fear of complications.  Become your own expert on diabetes and what affects your blood sugar levels.  Always remember you are the captain of your ship and the following people are your crew, chose them wisely.



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