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Cenforce 150mg   is a medicine for men between the ages of 18 and 65. The medication is commonly known as sildenafil and comes in the form of blue colored tablets. What Sildenafil Citrate does is help men get and maintain an erection. The drug does this by increasing blood flow to the area of ​​stimulation.

Cenforce 120  increases the level of chemicals like serotonin and norepinephrine in the body. Sildenafil Citrate Tablets Chemicals like serotonin send messages to the nerves, and this is what leads to actions like ejaculation. It is the medicine that helps with problems such as premature ejaculation.

Ejaculation before, during, or shortly after penetration is a disorder in which a man ejaculates before he consciously does so with minimal stimulation. Serotonin increases nerve activity, delays the ejaculatory reflex, thus improving ejaculatory control and increasing ejaculation time.

Administration of Cenforce 120:

Sildenafil Citrate Tablet The medication Cenforce 200mg  comes in an oral tablet form and must be swallowed whole as a tablet. It does not need to be broken or crushed and chewing is not recommended. One tablet of the drug should be swallowed with or without water before engaging in s*xual activity. It is suggested that the user take Cenforce 120  tablet about 60 minutes before having s*xual intercourse. The drug takes about 30 minutes to start working and shows an effect.

Taking the medication on an empty stomach is recommended for best results, although it is not necessary. It can be taken according to the needs of the user. Simply take it before engaging in s*xual activity. You should not take more than one Cenforce 120 tablet in a day as it can be harmful. The effect of one tablet lasts 4 hours in the body. In order for the drug to work and get an erection, the user will need to be s*xually stimulated. It is also important to remember that Cenforce 120  does not protect the user from s*xually transmitted diseases.

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