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QuickBooks Error Code 6073 and 99001 are both related to issues encountered when accessing or working with QuickBooks company files. These are common issues that occur when accessing or working with company files in QuickBooks. These errors typically indicate that the company file is being accessed by another user or there are restrictions on file access permissions. 


Both errors can be frustrating and prevent users from accessing and working with their QuickBooks company files, affecting productivity and workflow. Resolving these errors requires troubleshooting steps to identify and address the underlying causes, which often involve user access settings, file permissions, or network issues.

Some common reasons that cause QuickBooks Error 6073 and 99001

By identifying the potential causes of QuickBooks Error 6073 and 99001, users can effectively troubleshoot and resolve these issues. In the following sections, we will provide you with step-by-step solutions to overcome these errors and regain access to your QuickBooks company files.


  • QuickBooks Error Code 6073 occurs when multiple users attempt to access the same QuickBooks company file at the same time. If one user has the file open in multi-user mode or if the file is being accessed remotely, other users may encounter this error.
  • It can also occur if the company file is being accessed in single-user mode on one workstation while another user tries to access it from a different workstation.
  • QuickBooks Error 99001 often arises when the user trying to access the company file does not have the necessary permissions or the file is located in a folder with restricted access.
  • Network connectivity problems, such as a weak or unstable network connection, can lead to QuickBooks Error 6073 and 99001. 
  • Certain security software or firewalls installed on the user's computer may mistakenly identify QuickBooks as a potential threat and block access to the company file, resulting in QuickBooks Error 99001. 
  • In some cases, QuickBooks Error 6073 and 99001 can be caused by a damaged or corrupted company file.

Additionally learn:- How do I fix Error 6147 in QuickBooks Desktop

Solution: Renaming the unavailable and corrupted .ND files

By renaming the corrupted or unavailable network data file, you force QuickBooks to create a new one during the next access. This helps resolve issues related to a corrupted or problematic network data file, allowing for proper access to the company file. 

Note: Remember to make a backup of your files before making any changes to ensure data safety.

  • Make sure to close QuickBooks and any other related programs before proceeding with the file renaming process.
  • The network data file has the extension “.ND” and is typically located in the same folder as your QuickBooks company file.
  • Search for files with the same name as your company file but with the “.ND” extension.
  • Right-click on the network data file and select “Rename” from the context menu. Give the file a new name, such as adding “.OLD” at the end of the existing file name.
  • Click outside the file or press Enter to confirm the new file name. This action will rename the network data file.

You can also fix this error in your:- How to Troubleshoot the QuickBooks Error 6155?

  • Open QuickBooks and access your company file. QuickBooks will automatically detect the absence of the network data file and re-create it with the updated file name.
  • Ensure that you can open and access the company file without encountering any errors.
  • If the renaming process was successful, you should be able to work with the company file as usual.


Resolving these errors requires careful troubleshooting, including checking use QuickBooks Error Code 6073 and 99001  addressing network connectivity issues, and ensuringr access settings, proper file permissions. Renaming a corrupted or unavailable network data file can also help resolve these errors. And if not, you can simply talk to our experts on +1(855)-738-0359 and get immediate help on your issue.