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If it goes untreated, it can increase the risk that Nucentix Blood Sugar GS-85 Review she will develop type 2 diabetes later on in life and can cause the baby to gain too much weight and be born prematurely. Here are 9 gestational diabetes diet tips to help you.

The most important thing a pregnant woman needs to do if she develops gestational diabetes is to consult with a diabetes specialist and come up with a gestational diabetes diet that will ensure that both her as well as her baby's health is covered.

For any diabetic, it is very important to eat meals as well as snacks on a regular basis. Meals and snacks should not be skipped, as this could cause unhealthy fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Watching your carbohydrates is very important, as this is the type of food that affects blood sugar levels the most. Complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, starches and vegetables are better than simple sugars because they are digested more slowly which helps to keep blood sugar levels regulated. The daily intake of carbohydrates should be spaced across meals and snacks.



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