1. Health

Types of Kidney Diseases You Should Know About

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The kidneys are the most important organs in the human body because they help purify the blood and get rid of harmful toxins and excess fluid. They are responsible for regulating the levels of many substances in the body, such as electrolytes, like sodium and potassium, and acid content. The adrenal glands, which produce hormones that affect other bodily processes, sit atop each kidney.

Kidney disease is a life-threatening condition in which the organs' normal function is impaired. While there may be no way to cure chronic kidney disease completely, a well-thought-out treatment strategy can help you manage the condition. Get in touch with a prescription drug assistance provider to ensure you can afford your medication needs.

The ability to recognize the symptoms of common kidney illnesses is a valuable asset. If you're concerned about your kidney health, these are some of the most common forms of kidney disease:

What Is Kidney Disease?

The kidneys are situated below the rib cage. They play a crucial role by removing toxins, excess water, and other harmful substances from the blood. The bladder collects these metabolic byproducts and excess fluids for subsequent elimination via urination.

Damage to the kidneys can lead to kidney disease by preventing the organs from doing their job. Several factors, including diabetes and other chronic diseases, might contribute to this condition. The National Kidney Foundation estimates that 37 million individuals in the United States have some form of kidney disease.

In the most extreme cases, kidney disease can advance to the point where the organs just cease to function. Chronic renal disease and kidney failure are possible outcomes of this condition. Dialysis (artificial filtering) or a kidney transplant is necessary at this point for these patients.

Types of Kidney Diseases

· Chronic Kidney Disease

It's no secret that chronic kidney disease is one of the most common kidney conditions. In the long run, it can lead to kidney failure. Damage to the kidneys may progress only so far before they become permanently damaged. Occasionally, the disease will worsen to the point where the kidneys stop functioning.

Most people with chronic kidney disease (about 40%) are unaware they have it since early symptoms don't present themselves until the illness has progressed significantly. As the disease progresses, irreparable damage sets in, and symptoms emerge.

To help diagnose chronic kidney disease, consider the following symptoms:

Blood in the urine

Dark urine



Erectile dysfuction

Increased urination, especially at night

Not urinating enough

Itchy skin

Weight loss

Poor appetite

Swollen feet or hands

Difficulty breathing due to fluid accumulation in the lungs


When chronic kidney disease gets to advanced stages, the kidneys can't function properly without dialysis. Dialysis is an artificial way to filter extra fluid and waste from the body. However, the treatment does nothing to cure the disease.

· Glomerulonephritis (Bright's Disease)

Inflammation of the glomeruli, microscopic blood vessel-containing structures in your kidneys, is known as glomerulonephritis (GN). This tangle of blood arteries performs a vital function in the body by removing waste products and regulating fluid levels. The glomeruli in your kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products from your blood, so if they are destroyed, your kidneys will cease functioning, and you might develop kidney failure.

Immediate medical attention is necessary since the condition is potentially fatal. Acute GN and chronic GN are both possible.

Acute GN

Infections like strep throat can trigger a form of GN called acute GN. Overreaction of the immune system to an infection can lead to GN. Although this is not a medical emergency, you should see a doctor if the symptoms persist for more than a few days.

Chronic GN

Chronic GN develops gradually over time and typically causes no outward signs or symptoms. The kidneys might be permanently damaged by this condition, which worsens over time.

While the precise cause of chronic GN is often unclear, several possibilities include:

  • Genetic disease
  • History of cancer
  • Some immune diseases
  • Exposure to hydrocarbon solvents

· Kidney Stones

Kidney disease can also be brought on by kidney stones. The kidneys become affected by this illness when blood minerals form crystals that turn into stones.


Are you looking for a full-service prescription drug assistance organization? Then reach out to Advocate My Meds.They operate in the US and provide financial assistance for prescriptions to people so they can access the medications they require.

They also provide Pfizer prescription assistance, Sanofi prescription assistance, and other FDA-approved medications. Contact them today for more information.



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