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One of the critical components in filmmaking and visual effects is lighting. Lighting not only dictates the mood and the overall emotion that a scene is trying to convey, but it also makes the elements in a scene feel like they are a part of something in totality.

The best VFX companies in India and the world hire the best lighting artists who thoroughly understand lighting principles. These artists, who have the task of making a scene feel like a complete unit, use different lighting and software to bring the image of the director to life. 

A short guide to the different types of lighting that are commonly used in VFX includes the following:

#1 Natural Lighting

All types of lighting that are added to a scene are meant to look natural and not forced. But, in the context of lighting, natural lighting is the lighting that comes from the atmosphere, like the sun and the moon. If there are scenes that depict daylight or moonlight, then there are different lighting techniques that are used to recreate them. 

This sort of lighting is known to be tougher to recreate compared to other forms of lighting.

#2 Practical Lighting

These are minimalistic illuminations that are added within a scene. The lighting that is exaggerated by candlelight or by a lamp. In VFX, using a point light or a similar type of tool, this type of lighting is easily achievable. Interestingly, lights that come from a TV or phone are also recreated using this technique.

#2 Hard & Soft Lighting

This lighting technique involves the recreation of shadow elements in a scene. Most VFX work around this type of lighting is for transitional scenes, like tunnel scenes. Artists must understand the principles associated with soft and hard lighting, as well as how the environment will be manipulated for the same.

Lighting is one of the most important jobs in the field of VFX. They are the reason why movies and series are visual treats for viewers. 



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