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Typing Speed Tips for OET Computer-Based Test

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Computer-based OET and OET at Home offer the convenience of taking exams on a computer. While many fear the typing component, typing can actually be faster and more flexible than writing by hand. Typing Speed Tips for OET Computer-Based Test. Here are some tips to improve typing speed and efficiency:

Questions Involving Typing

In OET, typing is required in Listening Part A, Reading Part A, and the Writing subset.

Benefits of Typing over Writing

  1. Ease of Editing: Quickly edit or delete text.
  2. Improved Coherence: Move sentences easily.
  3. No Handwriting Issues: Typing eliminates handwriting problems.
  4. Time-Saving: Fast editing saves time.
  5. Word Count: Track word count easily.

Typing Tips

Listening Part A

  1. Cursor Placement: Position cursor in advance.
  2. Learn Keyboard Layout: Practice with typing software.
  3. Ignore Capitalization: Both cases are accepted.
  4. Use Tab Key: Jump between blanks.
  5. Minimal Corrections: Avoid over-correcting spelling.

Reading Part A

  1. Correct Spelling: Ensure accuracy.
  2. Highlight Text: Highlight before typing.
  3. Double-Check: Verify answers before moving on.


  1. Practice Typing: Use both hands and avoid looking at the keyboard.
  2. Pre-write Sections: Write date, greetings, and closing first.
  3. Common Phrases: Memorize standard sentences.
  4. Keyboard Shortcuts: Learn shortcuts for efficiency (e.g., CTRL+Z to undo).

Following these tips will help improve typing speed and accuracy for the OET computer-based test. Practice with sample tests to become comfortable with the format.

For more info: https://edubenchmark.com/blog/typing-oet-on-computer-tips/