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)Our best bet is once every few minutes. 

Are we right? Now, let’s filter out a few things. How often do you use your phone to take or make a regular call? Maybe twice a week? 

In contrast, how often do you use your phone to open an app to post a cute picture of your furry friend on social media, order food, or sit for a video work call? You’ve lost count, haven’t you?

Now, let’s chalk out one last detail. How many apps do you presently have on your phone? 

Once you’ve figured out how many, go one step further and determine which ones you use the most and which ones are just sitting there, gathering cobwebs. 

Have you ever wondered why you rarely use some apps while you can’t imagine life without a select few? Is it because you rarely find the need for some? Or is it because you’re not persuaded enough to use it? For more information please visit me at (https://www.peppersquare.com/blog/ui-vs-ux-whats-the-difference-read-the-comprehensive-comparison-here/)




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