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Navigating the parenting journey can be both rewarding and challenging. Understanding the key developmental milestones your child is expected to reach and knowing how to support them at each stage is essential to their growth and learning. In this article, we will explore these milestones and provide tips on how parents can effectively support their child's development. For more helpful tips and advice, check out our parenting wisdom hub.


 Infant (0-12 months)


During the first year, infants go through rapid growth and development. Key milestones include:


  • Physical development: Rolling over, sitting up, crawling and beginning to walk.
  • Cognitive development: Recognizing faces, responding to their name and exploring objects.
  • Social and Emotional Development: Smile, express emotions and develop attachment.


 How to support your child:

  • Encourage movement: Provide your child with a safe space to explore and practice new skills.
  • Interactive Play: Engage in activities such as looking and singing to stimulate cognitive and social development.
  • Responsive Care: Respond promptly to your child's needs to build a sense of safety and trust.


 Toddler age (1-3 years)


Toddlers are curious explorers. Key milestones include:


  • Physical development: Steady walking, running and beginning to climb.
  • Cognitive development: Learn to speak in simple sentences, recognize shapes and colors and start counting.
  • Social and emotional development: Developing independence, showing a range of emotions and beginning to play with other children.


 How to support your toddler:

  • Language Development: Read to your child daily and encourage him to name objects and express himself.
  • Safe Exploration: Create a safe environment for your toddler to explore and satisfy their curiosity.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise their efforts and provide gentle help to encourage good behavior.


 Early childhood (3-5 years)


Preschoolers continue to develop rapidly. Key milestones include:


  • Physical Development: Improving motor skills such as drawing and cutting with scissors.
  • Cognitive development: Asking questions, solving simple problems and understanding basic concepts such as time.
  • Social and emotional development: Forming friendships, showing empathy and managing emotions better.


 How to support your preschooler:

  • Creative Activities: Engage in arts and crafts to improve fine motor skills and creativity.
  • Encourage Curiosity: Answer their questions and provide age appropriate explanations to encourage their love of learning.
  • Social Skills: Organize game data and encourage sharing and cooperative play.


 Middle childhood (6–12 years)


School age children are developing a sense of autonomy and independence. Key milestones include:


  • Physical development: Improving coordination and participating in team sports.
  • Cognitive development: Developing logical thinking, reading more complex books and improving math skills.
  • Social and Emotional Development: Building self-esteem, understanding rules and fairness, and creating stronger relationships with peers.


 How to support your child at school age:

  • Academic Support: Help with homework, encouragement to read and explore subjects of interest.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Encourage their involvement in sports, arts or other hobbies to gain skills and confidence.
  • Emotional Leadership: Listen to their concerns, provide reassurance and learn problem solving skills.


 Adolescence (13-18 years)


Teenagers go through significant physical, cognitive and emotional changes. Key milestones include:


  • Physical development: Puberty, growth and development of the mature body.
  • Cognitive development: Developing abstract thinking, planning the future and forming personal values.
  • Social and Emotional Development: Finding independence, creating deeper relationships and exploring identity.


 How to support your teenager:

  • Open Communication: Maintain open communication and be a receptive listener.
  • Encourage responsibility: Give them responsibilities to help them learn independence and decision-making.
  • Support Interests: Support their passions and academic interests to help them plan for the future.


Understanding and supporting your child's development at each stage is essential to their overall wellbeing and success. By being attentive to their needs and providing the right support, you can help them thrive at every stage of their growth. For more tips and expert advice, visit our parenting wisdom hub.


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