1. Health

Understanding depression: what it really is

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Understanding Depression Introduction

Mental health is a significant concern in India, with an estimated 197.3 million people affected by mental disorders, including 45.7 million suffering from depression. Depression manifests uniquely in individuals and can be challenging to diagnose due to its diverse symptoms. This article aims to provide an understanding of depression, including its causes, manifestations, and potential management strategies. Depression, a mood disorder, is characterized by persistent and severe sadness that negatively impacts daily life. Its effects extend beyond emotional distress, influencing cognitive abilities, physical well-being, and overall functioning.


Understanding Depression FAQs

  1. What is depression?
  2. What are the types of depression?
  3. What are the causes of depression?
  4. What are the risk factors of depression?
  5. What are the signs and symptoms of depression?


To Know More: Understanding Depression  

Health Commune 

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Website: https://www.healthcommune.in


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