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Most people suffer from alcohol use disorder (AUD) and feel there's no end. Fortunately, with advancements in medicine, there are many treatment options today. These treatments solely focus on your recovery process so that you can lead a fulfilling and healthy life.

 Many factors, including your support system, medical history, and self-motivation, play along throughout the journey of your recovery process. A proper treatment occurs at a rehab center with a team of trained medical specialists.

 Many alcohol rehabs in Orange County facilitate your rehabilitation and guide you during and after rehab. They are your 24/7 supporters who will cheer you up in your successes and help you overcome challenges.

The Right Time to Seek Help

Before enrolment, the affected person must identify the issue and intend to quit drinking. A few people realize their alcoholism while other family members intervene in the drinking issue. It helps in the recovery process and search for the support options available.

The following signs detect if your loved or near ones are suffering from alcoholism:

  • Recurrent binge drinking
  • Frequent mood shifting
  • Weak performance at work or else
  • Neglect of responsibilities
  • Refusing excessive involvement if alcohol
  • Indulging in crimes or violence
  • Lack of interest in hobbies

There's no perfect time to seek help if anyone suffers an AUD. Untreated alcoholism can lead to many other issues, such as financial crises, health complications, professional disturbances, and relationship issues. So, it is better to initiate as soon as possible to lead a life of sobriety.

 Stages of Alcoholism Treatment

The alcohol treatment protocol differs among many rehab facility centers. There is no one size fits all plan, and many rehab facilities follow their guidelines. They often put up the most comprehensive treatment plan that triggers the chances of recovery.

 The three stages consist of the following treatment:

 Detoxifying the Body

After overcoming the first stage of quitting alcohol, one might suffer from withdrawal signs. It is the first stage of recovery and helps eliminate the alcohol from the body entirely. The severe stage of alcohol withdrawal may occur within 48 hrs of the last drink. Your specialist will help you to alleviate pain with medication at this stage.


After detoxification, you will have different treatments and therapies to help you overcome the challenges of drinking urge. It also includes learning coping skills that will help after getting out of rehab. Depending on the severity of alcoholism, the doctor may recommend an inpatient or outpatient setting at this stage.


Once overcoming the rehab stage, the patient will slowly acclimatize to normal life. This stage allows one to navigate through the life process and add value. For example, participating in support groups might offer a common ground for encouragement and engaging in the process of recovery with others.

At this stage, one can make positive life-changing decisions and maintain sobriety. At GRATITUDE LODGE, you can expect a comfortable and top-quality facility for alcohol rehab in Orange County. They have expert specialists to help you combat alcoholism and lead a happy life.


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