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Did you know being practical with your choice of windows and doors can significantly benefit your property's architectural and structural features? Given these advantages, it's common for modern residences to opt for and enjoy the benefits of uPVC windows and doors.

What is uPVC? What are the unique qualities of windows, doors, and other house features with this material? This informative home improvement article will answer these questions.


Understanding uPVC Material

uPVC, short for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, is a durable construction material known for its resilience and versatility. Unlike traditional PVC, uPVC does not contain plasticisers, making it rigid and resistant to temperature fluctuations.

uPVC is polyvinyl chloride resin blended with additives, such as stabilisers, pigments, and sometimes impact modifiers. During manufacturing, the mentioned components are mixed and subjected to high heat and pressure to form uPVC profiles or sheets.

Let's investigate uPVC's beneficial and superior features below:


The Advantages of uPVC Windows and Doors

Strength and Durability

While steel is susceptible to rust and corrosion, especially in humid or coastal environments, uPVC is virtually impervious to such issues. 

uPVC windows and doors retain structural integrity even after prolonged exposure to moisture, sunlight, and temperature fluctuations. These qualities ensure long-term performance and minimal maintenance requirements.

Temperature Regulation

Did you know uPVC windows and doors can maintain the warmth of your interiors during colder months? The superior insulation properties of uPVC prevent heat loss through windows and doors, creating a cosy and comfortable living environment for occupants. 

This temperature regulation reduces reliance on heating systems and contributes to lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

Moisture resistance

Unlike wooden frames prone to rotting and warping when exposed to moisture, uPVC remains unaffected by water. This resistance ensures a dry and moisture-free indoor environment and is advantageous in regions with high humidity or inclement weather conditions.

External Noise Reduction

uPVC windows and doors are sealed and fitted to create a quieter and more peaceful indoor environment. The density and insulation properties of uPVC dampen sound waves and reduce noise pollution from traffic, neighbours, or other external sources. This noise reduction feature is especially beneficial for properties located in urban or noisy areas.

Long Lifespan

Unlike timber frames that are susceptible to rot, decay, and insect infestation, uPVC windows and doors are virtually maintenance-free and can withstand the test of time. 

Proper care and occasional cleaning allow these fixtures to last decades without showing signs of wear or deterioration. This extended lifespan makes them a cost-effective long-term investment.

More Secure

The inherent strength and robustness of uPVC make it incredibly difficult to break or force open. The structure of this material is a formidable barrier against intruders and unauthorised entry. 

Additionally, modern uPVC fixtures often feature advanced locking mechanisms and security features, further enhancing protection and security.

Easy to Install

Another advantage of uPVC windows and doors is their ease of installation. Unlike heavier materials like steel, uPVC is lightweight and easy to handle, making the installation process quick and straightforward. 

Ease of installation reduces labour costs and minimises disruption to occupants during construction or renovation projects. With uPVC, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of new windows and doors without the hassle or inconvenience of prolonged installation times.

Added Value

Investing in uPVC windows and doors can add significant value to a residential property. These materials that come in varying shapes, sizes, and designs can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the building. These qualities also improve your living spaces' functionality and energy efficiency. 

Properties with uPVC fixtures are often more attractive to potential home buyers or tenants, translating into higher resale or rental value.

Homestar Certification

For Kiwis concerned about the environmental impact of their building materials, uPVC offers a sustainable solution. Many uPVC products are certified by programs like Homestar, which assesses and rates the environmental performance of residential buildings. 

By choosing uPVC windows and doors, NZ homeowners can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future while enjoying the numerous benefits the materials offer.

The benefits of uPVC windows and doors are clear and compelling. From superior thermal insulation and moisture resistance to enhanced security and longevity, uPVC outperforms traditional alternatives in virtually every aspect. 

Whether you're building a new home, renovating an existing property, or looking to upgrade your windows and doors, uPVC offers unmatched value, performance, and peace of mind. 

With this modern material's myriad advantages and environmental certifications, uPVC is not just a practical choice for today but an investment in the future of your home and the planet.

Talk to your local uPVC windows and doors manufacturer in NZ and ask for a quote today!

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